Cosmic events, so intense for April, 2014. The Blood Moon and Cardinal Grand Cross, in the Year of the Horse. Plus, an X-class solar flare on March 31, M-class on April 2. And another flare two days ago. Super intense.
In the weeks following the Cardinal Grand Cross, there has been a reported disruption in energy which has brought with it a series of changes (as noted in the third image above). The supposed purpose of the disrupted energy is to become aware of things that are not working for us, in order to realign ourselves with what is right for us. I can attest that reports from the spirit world are spot on, as I have had numerous interruptions and endings (GOOD endings!). Energies are not as intense now as they had been in April (whew!). Pretty amazing how it works and even more amazing that people are able to discern the alignments, energies and meanings of it all.
We ARE going through major transformation events! On June 8, the Vatican had a Prayer meeting of Jewish, Christian and Islamic prayer. WOW. Then there's the United States and Barack Obama with the 5 for 1 trade, and the immigration flood in Arizona (bloggers and patriots are claiming that America is going through a major transformation). The world is going nuts on a whole new level. But I sort of like that the three major religions came together in Prayer. Very intriguing.