I saw a couple tonight about late 40s or 50s out taking a barefoot walk around the neighborhood. At about 10 PM. Nothing all that special about it except the rarity of it. They weren't drunk or anything, they were just completely regular people going out out bare-footing for the fun of it. Well dressed looked well to do. Sucks cause getting out of my buddies car in flip flops after a ride to the store when I saw them so I couldn't say any anything like shoes are a scam with my flip flops on. That would have been weird to say anything unless I was barefoot too. Maybe the somewhat regular articles in mainstream publications promoting bare-footing and heath are getting read by more people? Its actually kind of sad that its a rarity to see. Wore my flip flops in the store cause of the current situation but how lame to take a walk at night shoes cant feel the ground things like certain surfaces like the bricks are still warm hours after the sun goes down. Beach town here so many people have a night routine take a walk, many with dogs and they don't even know they are missing out half the experience those lame shoes. I guess its the same old thing I always say, its because beginner barefooting sucks cause every little ground imperfection is a tragedy and your feet hurt after a few blocks. Oh well.
I searched barefoot and searched Google News Got this runnersworld.com/uk/health/injury/a32825278/can-going-barefoot-build-better-feet/ These health and fitness magazines help out