Hi gang, So people say I seem so outgoing, fun to be around, personable, and talkative. I'm naturally inclined to chat and I have great social skills. I enjoy it when I do it. But there are the negative daydreams.... Also, whenever I converse with people who hate people, the things they say match what the daydreams are like. So I get the impression that these daydreams are accurate and that I should either: -Stop talking to people -Or just be fake and smile in their face thinking I don't give a fuck about them (I heard SOME Brazilians are like this which made it even merrier) In either case: never open up to them. Ever. It seems like either common sense or an intimacy problem. I'm not naturally fake. I'm deep and real. I'm loyal and genuine... I don't know if I should open up to people. They don't have to think I'm some kickass person. Just be like "who cares??" or "oh okay."
How right you are. I live by two sayings: 1. People are assholes. 2. He got thanked in the usual way for trying to help.
Another thing on a more serious note about Jesus: I have prayed hundreds of times to make the daydreams go away. I used to go to church every week without fail, fellowship, and I was even the Adult Team Leader for the Youth Group. I also have read the first six books of the Bible and used to watch the Christian and Catholic channels everyday. I have also prayed to give thanks. It was lousy. It might have even made it worse. My main squeeze said people suffer to bring them closer to God, because when you suffer you're completely helpless so you have to turn to him. I think that's so manipulative!
Just be yourself and understand that most people are inherently shitty people. There's people out there who aren't shitty, and who also seem to be aware of how shitty most people are. Those are the people you need to find. It's a little lonely because it's harder to find those people..but in the long run, you'll be happier than if you try being fake and pretending you like shitty people who you don't like.
Seek and you shall find.... if you look for the negatives you will find negatives. Also some people are just shallow. You can be nice everyone in general - even the shallow people - but that doesn't mean you have to waste your time and energy on them. Focus on spending your time with the people you care about, and who care about you. Other people shouldn't take up so much of your thoughts. Think of it this way - why should you spend your precious time thinking about them when they're not thinking about you - they are wrapped up in their own lives!
You sound like kind of an introvert to me. What's wrong with that? I'm nice to everyone and you may never be able to tell but....I'd rather just be at home with my family and never have to talk to anyone.I don't want to talk to a lot of people but it's part of my job and I have to do it.I guess you just get used to it.
Let me rephrase that.....did not mean that in any positive way..... It seemed that way....from much of what I have read and heard....and it is sad really....if that is all most people care about.
You have control over your thoughts(there's no little person living in your head)...unless you need to be locked away somewhere.
Weird, in real life, I have no problem with people at all...on the internet...one must fill in alot of blanks, and sometimes it is not very pleasant....