Can't orgasm during sex

Discussion in 'True Confessions' started by Insomniac_devi, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. Insomniac_devi

    Insomniac_devi Beast Toast

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    I've never had an orgasm during sex, it's only when I masturbate. I've tried different positions, and nothing seems to work. Everything feels good, but still I don't orgasm. I'm beginning to think that there's something wrong with me...?
  2. Penny

    Penny Supermoderaginaire

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    Nothing is wrong with you if you can orgasm when you masturbate... you know vagina orgasms don't exist? It's all about clitoris stimulus... just try a good position, you on top would be best, that way you can control what's going on. It should be about 10 to 20 minutes before you can orgasm... depends on how receptive you are. When my boyfriend and I have sex, usually it doesn't take me more than 10 min.
  3. Insomniac_devi

    Insomniac_devi Beast Toast

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    I've always heard that vaginal orgasms existed....that hitting the supposed "g-spot" would help to induce one...hmm:confused: Either way, it's not happening for me...
  4. Penny

    Penny Supermoderaginaire

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    Yeah.. the G-spot is an exeption, but then again it is a different kind of orgasm I heard... never found mine!!!!

    But you know, the clit is not only on the outside of you, it's mostly inside...
  5. Insomniac_devi

    Insomniac_devi Beast Toast

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    Could condoms come into play here? I mean, I just go with your normal lubed condom, but maybe different types would help with stimulation?
  6. Penny

    Penny Supermoderaginaire

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    Definitely! Try French ticklers
  7. Insomniac_devi

    Insomniac_devi Beast Toast

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    Okiedoo, french tickler it is...
    I think I'm going to try burning incense too.
  8. trekker

    trekker Intrepid Traveler

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    A few thoughts come to mind here. Please don't be offended, as that is not my intention.

    1. Are you not truely digging your sex partner? If you don't like him in a sexual way, you may not get off.

    2. Are you feeling guilt for experiencing pleasure for societal, parental, and religeous reasons?

    3. Are you attracted to the same sex rather than guys?

    I was in therapy for years, so I think in these kind of demented ways. I know a bit about psychology. I tend to see the psychological reasons behind things first.
  9. Insomniac_devi

    Insomniac_devi Beast Toast

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    1) is a no.
    2) I think on some level yes, I feel a little guilty, because it never really was my intent to lose my virginity before I got married, and when I did, it was to a guy that pressured me into it (not saying he forced himself, but it was always the topic of conversation, and I eventually just gave in.)
    3) I like both sexes, but while I'd rather have a loving relationship with a female, I prefer have sex with a male, because it stimulates me more. So maybe that has something to do with it?

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