
Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by Pressed_Rat, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I started smoking the good herb again this past week after a several-month hiatus, and I can say with certainty that smoking on an infrequent basis is far more rewarding than smoking every single day, multiple times per day, as I was used to doing for so long. I find that when I smoke day in and day out, I tend to get paranoid and dwell on negative things when I smoke. Plus I become very apathetic and don't want to do anything, including leave the house. However, when I smoke on a more periodic basis, I find that marijuana is a very powerful tool for self-analysis and can actually be quite motivating.

    Anyone have similar experiences?
  2. sunshine186

    sunshine186 midnight toker

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    I agree. I just started lessening my smoking. I broke the second day and took one hit, and it was a noticeable effect, even after that short period of time. But I felt bad about smoking.

    So I've decided instead of trying to avoid it altogether, and being harsh and slapping my hand for smoking when I "wasn't supposed to", I'm just going to remember to keep it infrequent, and not feel bad when I choose to take a few puffs.

    Definitely more rewarding.

    ETA: It takes you back to the good ol days of your first time :D
  3. wiccan_witch

    wiccan_witch Senior Member

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    I haven't smoked weed for almost 10 years now.

    I find life better without weed at all.
  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    this is true of all drugs really....
    but cannabis dont really change much for me no matter how long a break I take.
    its not really good for me to miss out on much cannabis, my rigidity kicks in, im moody, cant think clearly, cant breath proper, anxiety, ..
    while I stick with mostly mids because the medical marijuana will just be the same effect after a week smoking it all the time..
    I green out sometimes, but rest for about 24hours..
    on average I smoke an 1/8 a day whether it be Mids of Medical..
    I cant afford 20$gram weed anyways.. usually its just a treat if I get some, but my peoples know im ina shitty place right now so they give me gifts.. i had some dabs the other day, but thats the kinda of high that will get in the way of things. kinda like smoke the crack .. persons get carried away smoking top shelf shit. gets to the extreme and you cant get high on shit anymore chasing a pipe dream.
  5. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I quit smoking about a month ago because I'm looking for a new job. I was ready for a break. Weed never really had a negative effect on me, it just got to the point where it had no effect on me at all. I didn't smoke that much, just a couple of hits after work and before bed, but I just didn't really notice a huge difference after smoking so it was a waste of weed and money. Even after quitting I don't really notice a discernable difference except I have more nervous energy.

    When I start back i plan to make it a once or twice a month thing so I can enjoy it again.
  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Well, I can relate to the apathetic part (I would call it lazy) and yes, smoking every single day several times will influence productivity in almost everything.

    I personally don't have experience at all with either paranoia or negative thoughts through daily weed smoking.

    Although it is certain that you get a more intense high when you have not smoked for awhile I would not say it is always far more rewarding: it's just what you want to get from it. Some people just love the hazy days when you wake 'n bake, others only dig that maybe once a year. Some people thrive by smoking a J every single evening, others feel a lot better by smoking once a week in the evening, and so on :p
  7. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Weed doesn't really make me lazy and it has never helped me sleep. I was staying up until 2 in the morning every night when I was smoking in the evening and now I'm in bed by 10:30 every night lol. I like to smoke it before long hikes or any kind of exercise or while working on creative projects because it gives me so much energy. I don't really buy that it makes people lazy or apathetic but I think if you're naturally prone to laziness or apathy it can intensify it.
  8. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    Yup, taking a break now and then does help "refresh" the experience.

    and what Orison said is true, smoking high caliber stuff makes it harder to get the same effect from mid grade without an extended break, at least in my experience.
    My problem now is that my guts are kinda screwed due to years of gluten sensitivity and I go through pain for a couple of hours every morning now. Sensations that are usually not felt or are felt but not painfully, ya know stuff moving through your system, now I feel almost all of it and it translates as pain.

    Smoking helps to relax my guts and alleviates pain.
    Nowadays I can't think of NOT smoking daily, it would hurt too fucking much. :(

    I hate my guts.:mad:
  9. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    It depends on the weed as well, but that it gets you lazy doesn't mean you turn in to bed on time ;) :D
  10. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    I left my comment in pr's positive rep box....hopefully he will post them[again]
  11. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    some things are better in moderation? that's quite the revelation.
  12. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    I don't enjoy weed as much without having a little bit of a tolerance. I've been going for days at a time without smoking and when I finally do I get pretty fuuucked up! lol
  13. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    if you get paranoid on account you smoked weed that doesn't agree with you.......

    get a different strain...

    smoke way less...whatever.....the bad side effects can be controlled so that the person wanting to smoke can still enjoy the positive effects

    and yes...if you have a ''tolerance break''...btw I hate that goddamned will get way higher with way less......pretty much goes for all drugs[and women]

    us hardcore stoners sometimes make fun of people that get ''too high'' on weed....mostly because we cant get ''too high'' because our tolerance break is measured in hours....not days or weeks...
  14. stoner oxy80

    stoner oxy80 *"Senior~Stoned~Member"*

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    some old pics from 2010, first indoor grow from bagseed. under a 250hps. fluffy, but tasted good and got me high, i was proud of it for ma first grow.
  15. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    I picked up somewhere that the US military had bio-chemically messed around with a strain of cannabis so that it produces no paranoia whatsoever in those with predisposition to it.Anyone know anything about this?I like to smoke but sometimes it really makes me a bit para and gives me the heebie jeebies.I'm very sensitive to it these days.I like weak homegrown the best,and I mean some really light green that literally grows in a weed patch outside in the Summer.I don't like the way today it is grown with chemical additives.That stuff really fucks my head up,which can be kind of fun at times...I guess we've all been there.
  16. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    i kinda find the opposite, PR. i enjoy my weed a little more when i have a tolerance. (i suppose i could try smoking less, like one hit, with no tolerance)

    smoking after a break usually makes me more paranoid and have more negative thoughts than when i smoke everyday.

    overall, i agree it would be more healthy to smoke occasionally, rather than several times each day.
  17. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    yeah Rolling has a point.. There are some Sativa strains that just irritate the shit out of me. And youll certainly hear me bitch about it!! I need the body effect more than the heady high. this my 2nd joint today, while Im certainly not stoned or wasted, because of tolerance,.. Im however Functional.. when I get to around 5joints, Ill take a nap cause I cant really get much higher and Ill probably be bored some by then.. then Ill get up and smoke a little more..
  18. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    The handful of times that I have smoked weed, it has not agreed with me.

    I've never had any of the mental side effects that are commonly described (paranoia, negative thoughts). But physically, it doesn't do my body good. It's a shame, sort of. On the other hand it's probably a lot safer not to smoke, and much less expensive.
  19. Manservant Hecubus

    Manservant Hecubus Master of Funk and Evil

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    Pretty much. Add money problems to that, and it's pretty much why I'm trying to quit the tokes. I hope to arrive at a day when I can smoke in moderation but I'm not very good at self-control in that area.
  20. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    Sometimes I think that I smoke a joint in the evenings more for the ritual than for the effects.

    Sometimes I go through phases where I enjoy it every evening, several times; other times every day but I only smoke once; and other times just once or twice/week. All depends on my mood and what else I've got going on.

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