My home paper takes a "little" time off from our mayoral scandal
I initially cursorily read that as 'mayonnaise scandal.' Actually, I'm a bit disappointed that it's not a scandal based around mayonnaise.
wonder what would make a good mayonnaise scandal. being in this forum i suppose it would entail barefeet in some way. I did know a guy that liked to eat off his barefeet. perhaps....
i cant even imagine running barefoot in the winter..thats crazy i can go in the snow at -30 for maybe 5 minutes...just enough to check my car doors and lock up sheds ...then the pain is too much...makes me sleep really good though if i do it right before going to bed
How the fuckity, though? Or maybe he had prostheses, that he could remove and place on the table in front of him before arranging food on top of them. Did he ever tell you what he had against conventional crockery?
well its simple enuf to get ones foot to ones mouth. one would use one foot at a time of course. many people manage that just verbally. and i think he, like me after i met him, viewed crockery as far inferior to ones own or his sole for a plate. as to your last question i just assumed he liked barefeet.
Ah, eating with then, rather than off? The way you first phrased it had got me picturing him with food balanced precariously on his feet, and him stabbing at it hopefully with knife and fork, and peas and carrots and so forth being sent rolling in all directions. Still clearly bonkers, but not as bonkers as I'd imagined.
well for thanksgiving a few years ago i suggested things like stuffing or pumpkin pie. they'd adhere so to speak.
I suppose an omelette might hold together, 'saddled,' as it were, over the top of the foot. Rice grains would be a nightmare, though.
You could also, I suppose, split open and disgorge the contents of a steak and kidney pie, and then wedge wodges of steak and kidney between the toes, if you were absolutely hell-bent on pursing this idea of using your 'plates' (in the Cockney rhyming sense!) as plates (and/or cutlery).
heres the deal. he was cute and had hot feet. it was what he was into and i really couldn't condemn it. basically toss a stone if u aren't concerned of incoming on ur glass house. I figure tossing may be all you can do.
Probably cold food through to lukewarm would be best via this method of gob-wards transportation, in order to prevent the heated up skin from blistering outright. But as implied, the person's turn of mind sounds sassy enough to have made provision.