My uncle told me he had a way of telling if people are lying by watching eye movements, he was drunk when he told me and I laughed it off..but I have read other things about body movement and things which make it easier to tell if someone is lying..what do you know about this subject?
I can... like when my lawyer told me that "there is really nothing it can be reduced to" (referring to my DWAI-drugs charge), when simply he never attempted to negotiate a plea bargain for me. Cocksucker.
There is a branch of research/study devoted to that exact thing but I can't remember what it's called.
Research studies at the Massachusetts General Hospital have shown that most people have a 50/50 chance of spotting a liar; but oddly enough Aphasia patients (a loss in language ability resulting from brain damage) were able to detect lies 73% of the time. As far back as the 1920s there were anecdotal reports of patients with aphasia being able to detect when someone was lying; but it was never taken seriously until recently. Hotwater
Depends on how well I know the person. My husband can't get away with it. I know that I will always know the truth to any question I ask because he physically can't lie to me. He looks away, kinda squints, his mouth does this funny thing and the tone of his voice changes. He doesn't lie to me but if I ask him something like "Did your mom get me.....for Christmas?" and he knows that she did, he can't lie. I had a friend that would lie about things and go into great detail about the lies. She had obviously worked every detail out in her head so if I asked ANY question at all she was prepared to answer it but typically they say that if someone gives too much detail about something it could be a lie. She was also not good at remembering her lies so it was super easy to catch her because she would contradict herself a lot. I make a habit of not lying because 1) I'm a terrible liar. You can read it all over my face. 2) It's much easier to remember the truth. 3) Nobody likes a liar.
If you ask the right question(s) you can usually get a fair read on if they are being totally truthful. Most people, will have tells that are not normal behaviours and they become more obvious when they are not being truthful.
Not being able to look people in the eye when asked a question is usually a sign. But I've noticed myself that depending on how I feel about the person asking me, even when I'm telling the truth I will avoid eyes. Also there's something like either looking to the left or right, but again, I think I do this when I'm telling the truth.
Same applies to females, noise comes out of their mouth, they are lying, simple. And i say this mainly cos i want to get th most thumbs down award in this thread
Same here, if I look people in the eye for longer than a few seconds they will turn their eyes away anyway So I tend to not look people in the eye (for a long time) when talking to them just so I don't make them uncomfortable. It almost goes subconsciously. Even when I'm not lying :mickey:
Sometimes the truth is subjective Anyway, I sometimes can detect if someone is lying without finding out the truth, but I don't know for certain which facts they are exactly twisting...
No, perhaps slightly philosophical but not necessarily either. Facts are objective, truths are derived from them and can be subjective.
People have been questioning that very statement for centuries now. Whatever YOU believe will be YOUR truth. No more, no less.