You can OD on XTC, around a gram dose would probably be pushing into that territory from a straight up OD from the drug and there is a minute part of the population that is supposedly considerably more sensitive than that. However the peripheral effects of the drug and having adulterants in the XTC are the more concerning issues with OD'ing. MDMA elevates body temperature, so staying hydrated is necessary, yet drinking too much water can be an issue as well. Other possible drugs cut into XTC can exacerbate the side effects of MDMA.
You can easily but it also depends on the person, tolerance and ability to handle the drug. I took 78 double stacks after a 4 month binge of at least 15 pills a day. Didnt OD but I developed a mental disorder called HPPD from it, terrible idea to take that much.
Dude. I would LOVE to read a detailed report about that large dose and the 4 months leading up to it.
Well it was fun at first but when I got up to the 15 a day point after a couple weeks then I started to drop weight fast. I went from 160lbs to 105 in 4 months. Had visual hallicunations 24/7 and was always bug eyed bitting on something to keep my teeth from grinding. Took my SAT's on them in highschool lol did really well. After 4 months I barely could feel anything. If I took 10 at a time I wouldnt feel a thing so one day I just started popping em. I had a jar on me and I just kept taking more and more for 2 hours. Didnt really pay attention to how many I had. Then my freinds starting freaking out saying im going to die, so I counted them, was surprised I took 78 but it made sense on how many I was taking every 5 minutes. Basically I could feel my heart beating outside of my chest, you could actually see my skin pulsating with the beats of the heart, so obviously I was on the verge of a heartattack. That was what freaked me out, so I went home and rested and smoked alot to calm myself. Went to school the next day, while riding on the bus I thought I was dying so I had a girl tell the bus driver to pull over I was having a heart attack. Everyone started freaking out and I just said I was lying and it was a joke, I didnt want to make a huge scene...which was dumb. Anyways I tripped out for 2 weeks straight and didnt take any pills during this time. I thought I was on perma trip, its actually similiar to Acid at that point with the visual and audio hallucinations. Never took it again after that and it took about 6 months to get some sort the social part of my brain to work again. 8 Years later and I still have visual hallucinations everyday, everysecond, I manage them and it can actually be fun at times but it kinda gets old after awhile.
Damn dude that's nuts. I was talking to this guy, and he wanted to know, if someone who hasn't taken mda before should take like two at a time to get a really good trip.
Wow . . . I would love to see a physician's notes on your case and an MRI of your brain . . . Good job getting clean. Oh for future reference cannabis actually increases risk of heart attack and stroke by about 400%, as it increases BP and heart rate.
Yes, lots of people overdose from ecstacy. Sometimes they just get a potent hit of MDMA and their body overheats (as said above), but sometimes dirty cutting agents and adulterants that are found in a lot of pills are the source for overdosing. There really isn't a proper way to tell by eyeball how much MDMA you're actually getting with street drugs. Usually I wouldn't push it past a half gram dose for a first time (that being said, start off with 0.1-0.2g to get a feel for it).
If what you have is really MDMA and really LSD, then yes, this is a safe combo and has been done millions of times. It's called "candy flipping".
i always took the acid first, then a few hours in after i've been peaking for a minute take the mdma i've heard of people doing it the opposite but peaking on acid while your coming down from mdma just doesn't seem like it would be as much fun
Alright thanks. Now, would it be ok to "double up" on some pills if someone hasn't done it for a while?
There are some potent pills which have ~200 mgs which I would not recommend to "double up" also you have to make sure you have clean pills. You can take 2 pills of a standard, Clean MDMA pill.
I've heard that the fake shit is actually less likely to kill you than the real stuff. Allegedly, the main cause of fatality is drinking too much water/fluids. If you consume more water than you piss out, your blood pressure goes way up, and that's what kills you. I think there is also a relatively rare condition where your liver can't handle it, and you could die from that. If you can questions about OD'ing, this link to poison control centers might be helpful.
I'd be a lot more worried about taking fakes than MDMA - you don't know what is in the fake, and some things are deadly with like, two pills - including some things that were common MDMA mimics for a while, if not now. The danger with drinking too much is that you may end up with an electrolyte imbalance, if you can't excrete as much water as you're taking in. I'd be more worried about that than dehydration - but you can avoid both by just drinking a normal amount of water, don't forget and don't binge on it, neither is good for you and neither will help anything. As for the liver thing, yeah, it's alleged that some people don't have the right liver enzymes for it - i've heard something like 1 in 78k, but never seen any study or documentation of anyone actually lacking them, just heard it vaguely cited in deaths where people took scary unknown cocktail pills and that sort of thing. Bottom line is that you can always take more drugs later, but you can never take less - don't start out doing stupid things with unknown substances.
Pure MDMA is safe although it is true that a small number of people can have a bad reaction up to death worst case even from pure stuff. Something like 1 in 100,000. But to be fair that is the case with any made made medication. Common things your doctor would give you also have that small percent who can not handle it.
I'd have to agree with RooRshack regarding 'fake shit'. Most of the things passed off as MDMA are either more dangerous (PMA, BZP) and/or relatively unstudied (Methylone, 5-ADPB). Then there is also the scenario where one of the fakes is mixed with actual MDMA which raises a whole new set of variables regarding danger that either drug may not exhibit on their own. Overhydration is one of the primary concerns with MDMA use though.
400%? Do you have a source for that? I tried looking around, and what I could find claimed that the effects were most likely minimal for young, healthy cannabis users.