Just finished watching the movie. Already a lot of people have explained the plot. So, here's what, I think, is the idea behind the movie... I found this movie a lot like mathematics. Let me explain how. Suppose in examination you came across a familiar question. You know the answer to the question. So, the answer is predestined. But you don't remember the steps. You do wrong calculations and arrive at a different answer, that you do not desire. So to correct your earlier mistakes, you intentionally create new mistakes to get the correct answer/ desired outcome. So, you actually create a string of accidental events that give you a desired outcome... That's how I see it. ..
Having just read about this I MUST go see this film... and get back to you with my impressions later.
I saw it, I found it entertaining. I'm glad Hotwater posted that video though because I didn't remember a lot of it all that well. I tend to have difficulties in sorting the timelines of Time Travel movies so I just retained the more general theme of the overall movie, that there is a continuous causal effect of events that this person cannot escape and hence the Predestination of their fate.