Yea, ive been tired lately, feeling kinda sickly too. Maybe im just a little sick but I dunno, I have dry sinuses but its getting better. I can exert myself, but ive been feeling just tired. Been having lots of orthostatic episodes when I stand from sitting position but never so bad that I almost fall(im not an old old old man btw so I doubt im gonna fall and get hurt). Been drinking lots of green teas and chamomille and stuff like that. I also am a fan of eating leafy greens. I have a friend thats been telling me I better watch out for those things because theres lots of oxolate and it will deplete your iron and calcium. I also hear that stuff also decreases testosterone, and im a man so decreasing test probably isn't a good thing cuz im sure my test is normal naturally. But is all that stuff true? Does all these teas and veggies really deplete iron and lower test? Could that make me feel tired? I also been doing this new exercise, my glutes and my back are kinda sore from it, which are pretty large muscles. Perhaps its just from this? I also have odd B/P that can be high one day, low the next.
I used to donate blood regularly but the last several times they would not take my blood because my iron levels were too low. They told me to stop drinking green tea. I stopped donating blood instead.
As for the leafy greens it depends on the specific kinds. Some kinds are bad for some things others are bad for other things. Google could help you find out if the ones you are eating are incompatible with your body.
Green tea is gawdawful tasting....and makes me a bit nauseous, too, but it is very healthy and makes you lose weight
Yeah. I used to drink a few cups a day but did you know it has 1/3 the caffeine of a red bull? =0 I found that interesting... Probably why it makes me feel weird. Can you get high having weed in your tea? Like weed tea? That's be worse tasting.. But interesting? Considering I've heard about weed stem chicken soup which really knocked about my friend once.