Can Jesus be God if he is not all knowing? For the Trinity concept to work, Jesus as well as the Father and Holy Ghost would all have to be all knowing and equal in all ways. A number of times Jesus says he does not know what the Father knows. That and if Jesus was God, who did he pray to as a God does not pray to himself. For those two reasons and more, especially his poor moral tenets, Jesus cannot be God. I see his worst moral tenets as being his no divorce policy and substitutionary punishment policy. This link speaks to other moral deficiencies. Thoughts? Regards DL
I agree. At least not in the sense that most people interpret that word to mean. What is Jesus to you? Regards DL
People believe jesus was this and that but in reality nobody really interprets him for what he was. A Jewish man.
How so exactly? The greek word they translated holy spirit from is pneuma. Just means breath or life or soul or start. So kind of really just means existence. Dont think it implies any concept of intelligence or decision making. But see if you can work out what Holy Ghost actually means. Think it was put there from the start so no one had to answer the really hard questions. If there is s Holy Ghost that determines everything, then what do you need a god for. Then again, what do you really need Jesus for? Still fuzzy on that part. If he died for all our sins, then he died so Hitler can get into heaven, and thats a little fucked up
Jesus was a regular mofo I bet. All that shit about him walking on water, turning water into wine, I mean it was a long time ago, lots of generations to change and manipulate the stories. Jesus is like the most famous person to have ever existed, huh? Then George Washington.
The mainstream religions have done so. Do you like the homophobic and misogynous religions that they have created? Regards DL
I basically do but as a Jewish Rabbi of the Karaite type because he likely could not read or write and because he seemed to put man above God, or at least above religions. Regards DL