I guess I can confess to you all, every time I go someplace, a store for example, I gladly give them my email. The only problem is now, my email box is literally stuffed with hundreds of unwanted emails. And this is really going to shock you: I only check it once a week. The political organizations I am signed up with I don't mind as much. But enough is enough. It really upsets me. Do you think I have grounds to sue?
Stop giving out your email to people/organizations that you know only want it so that they can send you advertisements.
as with money and guns, lawsuits don't solve everything either. there's this thing called logic, and whatever anyone tells you to believe, hating it comes with a built in price. now me, i care about the kind of world both of us and everyone else, has to live in, and i haven't seen throwing money at its problems do a very good job of solving them. i like to sign petitions because it makes me feel like i'm doing something, and i sign boiler plate to politicians, but if i had what all of them added up want me to send them, i'd be effing rich.