Can I get High off of Zopiclone?

Discussion in 'Pharmaceuticals' started by Weed&Speed2008, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. Kaykay1133

    Kaykay1133 Visitor

    I've been prescribed zoplicone 7.5mg (immovable equivalent) for insomnia. After taking one, I feel the high and I do weird shit until it finally knocks me out. Unfortunately it doesn't allow me to stay asleep but I have no issues in the morning. The side effects suck dry mouth, the taste and the amnesia from the night before. I am not addicted to them though just use them when I have a function the next day and need to be asleep at all to be a functioning human the next day.
  2. Dan_E

    Dan_E Visitor

    Yes you can. Its also very dangerous to misuse. Poly use with other substances exacerbates risk and dependency is also a very real outcome.
    Add to that illicit non prescribed use, black market production and funding big pharma and youve got a good list of reasons to actually avoid.

  3. Notacop

    Notacop Newbie

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    A little bit, I usually smoke weed after taking it and it's a really interesting high

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