It is VERY important. To say otherwise would be a lie. I have been faithful but we no longer have sex and have not done so for many years. Fuck it all. ...O
Why do you mean by physical health? Do you mean that they have a chronic (relatively) unpreventable illness, like Lupus or Cancer? I don't think that would prevent me from being with someone. Are they unhealthy in the sense that they are obese, smoke cigarettes, or just hate physical activity? That would be very important to me because I love being active and wouldn't want a partner who hated things that I enjoyed. Also, as far as appearance. I have to be attracted to them. Yep.
I have some very bad news for all you FUCKERS: NONE of us look very good after 60 years old and I would not want to have sex with me if I was a woman. Same goes for over 60 women. The upside is: Once you hit 60 or so you quit caring very much. ...O
Well crap the reason I ask is I'm a decent looking guy and I'm pretty fit, I'm smart and funny every girl I meet tells me I'm an awesome guy, but no girl would date or be with me. I'm 25 and never even kissed a girl. It sucks
that's not necessarily because of disease. happens to lots of perfectly healthy people too, it's just a matter of knowing how to play women's silly "game."
wow 25 never kissed a girl. dude thats major. if i were you id drop what i was doing right now and start, i dont know, a campaign to get laid. and dont say you "know how to play them" if you've never kissed a girl.
i think he can do it without having to resort to that if he starts and sticks to my hardcore self improvement program.
no, we do it the natural way, dick push-ups. but seriously whats up with penis pumps? ive never tried them, but i am curious about the science behind them. do they actually work? i dont know about penis pills, all i know is that there is enough doubt to make me assume that they don't work.
Well I was just saying, I'm not awkward or weird. I can talk to ladies and I have hundreds lol not hundreds, but at least a handful that say they love me but "Im not the guy for them." and yeah dating websites were a bust too.