Can’t take it anymore!!! I want it so bad!!!

Discussion in 'Bisexual' started by Annon-k34, Aug 24, 2018.

  1. Annon-k34

    Annon-k34 Members

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    Well I’ve considered myself bi since I was young. Like 13 . Although I’ve never been with a guy and now in my 30’s I’ve always considered myself vers. I want cock! I want it so bad it drives me crazy! I want it in every way. I want it in my mouth in my ass I want mine in a mans mouth and in a mans ass. I want I hot load shot up my ass and down my throat . The problem is I’m married and I don’t think my wife would approve or even be into pegging me. I have been attracted to both men and women my whole life and I love my wife and her pussy (it’s fantastic) but I want I need some cock! I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I fear disease and I don’t want to cheat. I’m just frustrated and feel like I’m never going to get to enjoy a nice cock balls deep in my ass or mouth. Anal play by myself has grown old . Ugh. Sorry I just needed to vent. Later y’all.
    Spudz and (deleted member) like this.
  2. ben_d

    ben_d Members

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  3. KW67

    KW67 Members

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    Maybe you could ease your lady into the idea. Watch some porn together with some mmf action in it, and make some offhand comment or question if that makes her hot? Plant the seed in her head to feel her out. But be honest in and about the conversations that will follow.
  4. Annon-k34

    Annon-k34 Members

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    We used to watch a little porn together years ago and whenever there was mmf scenes I would ask if she ever wondered what it would be like and she’d just say yeah but I would never do it. I don’t think she would . And if she did I don’t think she would be cool with me sucking a dick or taking a dick in my ass. It would more be for her.
  5. Annon-k34

    Annon-k34 Members

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    Ideally if I could find a guy or even a gay couple that I knew was clean I’d just go for it. At some point in my life I have to do it. I don’t think I could go my entire life without being with a guy . I mean it’s already been 20 years since I figured out I like both sexes and it’s driving me nuts. I say a gay couple because my biggest fantasy is to be with 2 guys at once. One In my ass and the other in my mouth or my dick in ones ass and a dick in mine at the same time would be so hot and I think the ultimate sexual bliss. To be in someone while someone is in you. I would probably cum omg y’all I just have myself a If I could live out my fantasy of being with a guy for just one day, a whole 24 hours to get hard as many times as possible and just marathon it I could go the rest of my life happy that I satisfied that part of me at least once. But then again I probably would love it so much maybe I couldn’t. I mean all I can think about all day everyday is dick. Everything looks like a dick to me and I think throw a condom on it and I’d fuck it. I judge every guy that walks past me on how big small or nice or fucked up looking his cock might be. Where I live it’s pretty much impossible to meet someone unless someone came on to me. Not to mention it’s a very small town where everyone knows everyone and everything. So not rousing suspicion is pretty much impossible. I’m so frustrated and have never said any of these things to anybody in my life so it feels good to get them off my chest.
    Panttt4me likes this.
  6. Catcher

    Catcher Members

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    Where about are you living?

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