Came out to my family last night that I am going to go through the next step in my life,transitioning and I go on the estrogen and male hormone blockers next month.They know I am seeing a therapist on this and told me I have support from them.Living as a fulltime time crossdresser,I also had feelings that I wanted to become a woman.It was even when I was doing it part time.The therapist I am seeing saw I had gender dysphoria right away.Wife was with me and will be there for support as well.She has been there for support going to my therapy sessions with me.My family knows I will be much happier in my life.I already made the decisions on everything,one is not have the GRS thinking it over
I wish you well as you travel this new path in life. The first step is always the hardest. And also a step that leads you to hope and peace in life.
Congratulations on coming out! That first step is the hardest. Though I imagine it came as no surprise after cross-dressing full-time for a while.
It did surprise my family.Crossdressed fulltime since I was 25.My parents know they are going to get a much more happier daughter out of it.My brothers,a much more happier sister is what they are getting
Next is tell my son and daughter,I know it will go well with them.Age 13 or 14,knew I am really female from the inside
Told my son and daughter this and said they want me to live a much happier life still loving me no matter what.Plus I have two good friends I have grown up with whom have been in my situation and transitioned now happy as pre op MTF transsexual women.They are going to be there support and help me out.One thing they said was it takes time for the changes when I go on the estrogen and male hormone blockers,first will be my skin becoming softer.