I was wondering what sort of easy and quick drugs can be manufactured with smaller glassware?....and...in what quantities?.....lets say..boiling flasks from 50 to 500ml..condensers around 300mm....etc etc?........Thank You!!...appreciated!!!
sell all of your glassware/condensors Use the profits to take O-chem. Take enough other courses in college to get a degree. Get a legitamate job, yet continue your studies of O-chem. Use profits from legitamate job to get the glassware/chems you need. Use your knowledge from O-chem to use glassware/chems to synth. and extract what you want.
I have one. Add 5 grams aluminum shavings to a 300mL flask. Find a big fucking balloon that fits the top of the flask. Add a HCL acqueous solution, and cover the flask. Shake a bit. and make sure the balloon don't pop from heat or excess gas. Go find a match, and light the balloon.