What names, if any , has anyone been called by other posters? I can think of two for myself. One, I was called an IGNORANT BUFFOON for saying Catholics must have bad knees for getting up and down-up and down to the constant ringing of bells. I "may" have mentioned Pavlovs dogs. Probably did. Another was when I mentioned a guy in a lumberyard in which I was shopping saying out loud--" sure wish I could find some tight pussy." I remarked to the guy (IRL) " get yourself a chicken." He remarked " yeah, I like to rip their heads off and fuck 'em in the neck!" I was given a red ball and called a SICK FUCK for relating that one. Anyone?
What haven't I been called? I've been called: Slut Plagiarizer Liar Trouble Maker Racist Sexist Bitch Natzi Power Monger Unfair Those come to mind first...
Shit...Sometimes, I even tell Bbad that I love him! I tell Orison that on the regular, though. (Just keeping Bbad humble here.)
Someone called my a "psycho ****" recently because I reported him to admin for making disgusting abortion jokes in chat.
Irmi Nazi Bitch Dyke Bull Dyke, was my favorite at the time. Never heard of that before. Called by GlenGlen. I added him as a friend so he could view my pics to nip that case closed. Also Iamnotaman would have a list of insults towards me that can only be lol' at. Given I can't remember any, basically advises just how little I care or how spastic they probably are.
A republican. Lulz Right wing neo something or another. Call me what you will I gotta little space to fill