cake pan burner covers

Discussion in 'Fashion and Crafts' started by cerridwen, Jan 1, 2005.

  1. cerridwen

    cerridwen in stitches

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    What you will need:

    8 inch cake pan for the small burners

    9 inch cake pan for the large burner

    Note: I have an electric stove

    Acrylic paints, White is the base coat and depending on your picture, choose the colors needed. I used FolkArt.

    A sealer- I used a brush on gloss.

    Rubbing alcohol


    Clean the bottom of the cake pan with rubbing alcohol, you will actually see some metal paint or dust from the pan. Let air dry, and don't touch with your hands. We have lots of oil on our hands.

    Now paint on two coats of white paint, making sure you go one way, from one end to the other end, in a brush stroke. Let dry for a couple of hours.

    Now paint on any design or scenery you want. If doing a scenery, I started with a darker blue at the top, working lighter blues towards the middle, ending with a dark green at the bottom working the lighter greens towards the light blue. I'm no artist, but I don't think I did too bad. At least my kids said", so".

    Let dry a day, and brush or spray on a sealer.

    Note: Make sure your burners are stone cold before topping with your masterpiece.

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