Cafe Approach

Discussion in 'Free Love' started by Ice_Cool, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Ice_Cool

    Ice_Cool Member

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    Most of the womens I have got came when I picked them up for a ride from the street. Im very very good with this, I call my self the "Road Knight" .

    But I have never tried approaching women in Cafes (where I see lots of hits chicks that I felt waiting to be approached) but Im seriously thinking about it.

    So I would like you both women and men to give me your opinion on this? When you are in a cafe is it OK if you get approached by another guy? Or is this something very outlandish?!!

    No one ever knows where the best love can be found, cafe, bar, mall street or work place it can be anywhere anytime.

    Im sure that it also greatly depends on the guy and how he initiate the approach but just sharing your common thoughts would be usefull.

    Thank you all
  2. Just_a_woman

    Just_a_woman Member

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    If I'm at a cafe or any other place and I see a guy I'd like to approach, I do it. I don't see why a guy couldn't do the same. Where I live, they do it and I find it ok.
  3. Ice_Cool

    Ice_Cool Member

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    Like your answer but just a pure question; why not leave the approach action for the man? I mean it s our role.

    Indeed you can approach a man if you need a help or if you have any sound reason but for relationships I think that the it is te man's role. But im still open for any woman if she choses to approaches me.

    Thanks you for the reply. I will do it the next time at the cafe.

  4. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    I think those are called "hookers".



    I think maybe you are in the wrong century.
  5. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    You seem to have old-fashioned ideas about dating.
  6. TAZER-69

    TAZER-69 Listen To Your Heart! Lifetime Supporter

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  7. Ice_Cool

    Ice_Cool Member

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    Wrong dude. Not hookers, prostitutes, one-night-stand seekers, drunk women or women under drugs. Sorry.
  8. Ice_Cool

    Ice_Cool Member

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    I do somehwat agree. I do update my self watching things on Youtube and readings and I do adopt anything new that I see genuine and no BS, but I will always have that retro-style. It is who I am.

    Cheers, :mickey:
  9. Ice_Cool

    Ice_Cool Member

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    Hey..these are not hookers or not prostitutes or not anything like women looking for one night stand. They are not even women who came out from the bars drunk.

    These are random normal women (pedistrians) who are walking going somehwere or waiting for their ride or for a taxi either going home or going to their place of work.

    Trust me I know what hookers are, have seen them in other countries and I can tell just by the feel of the place if it does has hookers in it or not. Also we have no hookers hanging in the street where I live it is very strickly forbidden. We have under the cover escort services that has different way of operating.

    While I do respect prostitutes as humans, womens and even as professionals, approaching one is not considered as "approaching women" it is very much asking for a service, like a massage or ordering a pizza or anything else.

    I wonder why couldnt you think a little bit higher?!!! :sultan:
  10. Ice_Cool

    Ice_Cool Member

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    Hey..these are not hookers or not prostitutes or not anything like women looking for one night stand. They are not even women who came out from the bars drunk.

    These are random normal women (pedistrians) who are walking going somehwere or waiting for their ride or for a taxi either going home or going to their place of work.

    Trust me I know what hookers are, have seen them in other countries and I can tell just by the feel of the place if it does has hookers in it or not. Also we have no hookers hanging in the street where I live it is very strickly forbidden. We have under the cover escort services that has different way of operating.

    While I do respect prostitutes as humans, womens and even as professionals, approaching one is not considered as "approaching women" it is very much asking for a service, like a massage or ordering a pizza or anything else.

    I wonder why people thought of hookers when I said "picking girls from the street" ??!!!!

    It is nicely offering a lady that you see waiting for her taxi a ride to drop her somehwere and you make it up from there to date her. Let me know if you need some help with that becasue I would be glad to help you dude becasue I kid you not I'm good at doing it.

  11. Ice_Cool

    Ice_Cool Member

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    I guess any average boy who has completed puberty can tell the difference between a hooker and a normal person.
  12. Ice_Cool

    Ice_Cool Member

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  13. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    A few ideas. First, it depends on your age and culture.

    I think the reason others assumed you were talking about hookers is because English is not your first language and it does sound like you're talking about hookers. I would not accept a ride from a strange, lone man on the streets. In my country that's just not smart.

    Also, if someone approached me in a bar or restaurant I would assume they wanted a strictly sexual relationship. For me, being approached by someone I don't know at all, means they're attracted to me's not really something I would accept, but I might entertain the guy if I thought he was interesting. That'd probably be a bad idea on my part though.

    If you're talking about just talking to someone, rather than trying to get some sort of acceptance, that's different.

    But I think I could see how it'd be different and less sleazy if you're older.
  14. Just_a_woman

    Just_a_woman Member

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    Think of what you're saying. It means a woman doesn't have the right to pick a guy of her liking. She'd have to choose only within the pool of men who approached her.

    Why should I choose to pick from a sample, when the whole population is available?

    What if the man I like is shy? What if he needs alcohol to man up? I'll have to wait till he's drunk? I don't like the smell of alcohol. I'd rather pick a man when he's sober and fresh. Ideally, before he had time to sip his first drink.
  15. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    So when do you figure you'll be done with puberty?
  16. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Is this your car?

  17. Ice_Cool

    Ice_Cool Member

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    Already did long time ago before you could even read your own name boy
  18. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    so basically you're one of those guys that cruises through the ghetto with your overpriced car with the spinny rims who stops every time you see a female taking a walk and shouts something like "hey yo, ya'll bitches need a ride? i gots da sticky icky ya'll."

    i didn't realize that ever worked. i always kind of wondered why you guys bothered; i saw it fail constantly but never once saw a girl actually get in the car.
  19. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I think you need to have a special kind of flair to pull it off :D
  20. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I think its strange you have no qualms picking up random women in your ride but wonder if its ok or normal to approach a woman in a cafe.

    When guys pull over and ask if I need a ride I usually think Ted Kazinkski, get my mace ready and pick up my pace, whereas I see approaching a woman in a restaurant or bar as a completely normal thing to do.

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