At this point in history, there are a lot of people who like President Trump. The radical religious right loves him. Racists can't get enough of him. David Duke even gave him the Zeig heil salute, if I am not mistaken. But is that trust even misplaced? There are a lot of unique things about Mr. Trump that don't add up, even if you are a conservative. He was a Democrat and "very pro-choice" (according to him), just 5 years ago. And then there are LGBT rights. President Trump is the only Republican presidential candidate to mention LGBT rights in his acceptance speech. That makes him very unique. Mitt Romney never did this. Bob Dole never did. Gerald Ford eventually came out in favor of gay rights. But certainly never when he was president. Even George Bush the first never supported gay rights as president. And he was a moderate too (according to Gerald Ford). I know we have a saying in Michigan. If you don't like the weather, wait a couple of minutes. Could the same hold true about Donald Trump? Just give him a chance, and his true liberal roots will shine thru? Anyway, one way or another, we are stuck with him for the next 3+ years. As a Democrat, I certainly hope he gets impeached, or at least not reëlected. But as a gay American, I certainly am willing to give him a chance. What do the rest of you think? And what do think about this strange contradiction? (In any event, one thing I can say about politics in this country. It is never boring. There is nothing you can do to change it. So why not just sit back and enjoy the ride?)
It seems that day after day, the realization that a truly mentally disturbed individual now sits in the big boys seat and has no idea how to conduct himself in ANY situation that comes his way. To amply demonstrate his delusional mind (among the rest of his incredible delusions and lying), he now says that wasn't him on the tape with Billy Bush! Surely this can't be true---that he would actually deny this. This must really be a fake news plant. If not---we're in more trouble than we imagined! Almost beyond belief, his cultists will lap a denial up and bleat "I knew it--fake news!!
What? Oh, I see. Deflection. Yup---Bill did some bad shit-------but as you may recall--this is now 2017. And I would prefer to discuss the moron in the white house.
And by the way--how can anyone be trusted who lies so easily about issues that can be proven to be lies.? No, no one can or should trust the orange one.
Trump is a New York Liberal Democrat. Yes, he is batshit crazy. He is wonderful for ratings at MSNBC. Jimbee, agreeing with your post and also feeling that Trump is not hostile to firearms regulation. The Democratic Caucus has to give up being on strike and come to the table to negotiate they Will accomplish something by negotiation. Trump wants to triangulate against the Republican Freedom Caucus. The Resistance is silly. Who wants to vote for a congressman who goes on strike? For media junkies, Trump was a constant caller to radio shows like Imus & Stern, this act is old hat. Disappointed that he has not upped his game since becoming President.
The democrats need to quit fuckin' around on the edges of they want to do. Not just talk about single pay medical, but get some people from around the world that have it---look at the best ways to do it here. Actually look at what the US is spending on OTHER departments, cut the chaff, do the numbers and try to explain to citizens why it's a moral idea and a smart idea to do it. In other words--PROVE IT by numbers, charts--whatever it takes. Work on the state levels to rid their work forces from "right to work laws." GET RID OF CITIZENS UNITED', once and for all. Tax the rich and corporations ----and hit ém hard on these offshore hidey-holes. I don't want to see that list of corps that PAY NO TAXES ever again. Why in hell should average citizens and the poor pay for THEIR insurance, the military, the infrastructure and everything for which the government has obligations?When they begrudge us the same? (he asks rhetorically). They--the republicans have just about got their goals accomplished. The government, the judiciary,the elections, the education system, the EPA and protections for other governmental institutions/departments is on their way to being changed/damaged beyond repair. If the democrats want people---especially young people, to know about the contrasting ideas of the democratic party vis a vis the conservatives/republicans---show the voters who voted against anything progressive over the last 120 years and SPEAK IT LOUD AND CLEAR. And if voters choose to believe the right with their bullshit--they'll soon pay for it. Although---I must add that I thought voters had FINALLY found out what republicans usually do to society, the economic system,etc, after Clinton balanced the budget, the economy was humming along----and put the repubs right back in charge with Bush. Annnnnnnnnnd------they've done it again.
That's what I say. Hit them where they hide their shore banks. The Trump Tax Bill wants to take away mortgage deductions from the average guy, but lets the bizillionaires take depreciation so they don't have to pay taxes for 18 years. And they want to keep Trump's returns in a safe? Why? What did he do that was bed enough to keep secret from the public he wants to pay more taxes? He doesn't want poor unemployed people to have food stamps and he doesn't want us to see how little he paid into the system? I would also like to see how that real-estate mogul Pence hides his millions?
For the last 2 decades, the west has imported cheap goods from China. At first, all seemed fine, but with every passing year the impact of the loss of jobs and decline of living standards clearly shows the long term effect of letting money trickle out of the country.While it is good to see the population of China enjoying better standards of life, watching cities like Detroit decline is a heavy price to pay. Trump, for all his goofy ways, seems to have a deep love for America and allowing him his 5 year term to help the country regain some of its former pride is a price worth paying. Supporting capitalist companies is the only way to produce more jobs and supporting people who want to work is a necessary part of the equation. My challenge to the people winging is simple. Go out in the morning, employ 500 people, give them good wages, healthcare and a pension when they retire. Trump will support you, so what are you waiting for.???????
Trump won't be around by the time the pension bill comes due. Pensions are a thing of the past and even the companies who have them now are phasing them out and not offering them to new hires. However, government employees still get very generous pensions the rest of us will have to pay for. Also, a US president is limited to two 4-year terms (assuming they win a second term). They can also serve out 2 years of a previous president's term. The last time that happened was when Nixon resigned. Gerald Ford could have been president for 10 years. But he blew it when he pardoned Nixon after being sworn in and was defeated easily by Jimmy Carter as Americans were sick of Washington corruption and a simple peanut farmer seemed like the least dangerous choice. Carter was easily defeated by Reagan after sitting on his hands while Iran held US citizens as hostages and making the US look weak across the entire middle east, a problem that haunts us to this day. Detroit's decline could have been predicted. The US auto industry didn't take energy efficiency seriously until it was too late. By the time they rolled out the Vega and the Pinto, Japanese carmakers were already eating their lunch. Even Volkswagen rode the wave. The big 3 tried their best to guilt Americans into buying American-Made cars while shaming anyone who bought a foreign car. But the American cars were basically toast after 100,000 miles. It took almost 2 decades for American cars to catch up to Japanese quality. Today you can't actually buy an "American" car since they are made with so many foreign components. But the guilt trip is still being pushed and the most popular "American" vehicles are pickup trucks. Detroit also suffers from decades of political graft and an escalating crime wave. The term "white flight" originated in Detroit and spread across the country. It was seen as racism, but it was really just the way families were reacting to the rise in crime. The white flight I have seen in Tennessee and Georgia, has been largely racial. The crime came later in the process. I personally think Trump ran for the top seat because he saw his own way of life under threat. Unlike so many other wealthy American businesses Trump's holdings are anchored on US soil. So he can't hedge much of his fortune overseas the way so many other "American" companies have been doing now, for decades, to avoid punishing taxes. Trump HAD to win the presidency so he could turn that around, or he would have seen a sharp decline in his net worth. While he plays a good game with his claims of loyalty, I'll believe it when he repairs the damage Obama did to the energy industry. Demonizing coal, while China burns twice as much as the US, was a stupid political ploy. It sabotaged the sequestration projects as well as the synthetic gasification plants that would have produced fuel from coal that was cleaner than methane (natural gas).
We are in the UK, so I was not aware of all the points that you mentioned. Regarding cities like Detroit, I only hoped that Trump would at least make a start on solving the current problems. With economy, again I was hoping that his awareness of the current situation, wold put him in a better situation to find a resolution that would work for all parties involved, but the fact remains that capitalist companies are vital in returning jobs to America. I even hoped that if a working compromise was formed, Europe may follow some of the leads. With Trump, when he starts his midnight tweets he reminds me of my late father inlaw who could put the entire world to rights after a good night on the Guinness (He lived in Ireland). Climate change is another matter. We just seem to be going around in circles and I am still not certain that we have taken everything into account. Carbon dioxide and oxygen exist in balance over the entire planet and the oxygen levels have remained constant. In order for this to happen, the oxygen must be burnt and the natural balance is restored by forest fires following oxygen rich air conducting lightening. While burning fossil fuels in cities causes serious health problems, largely due to sulphur dioxide, the less carbon dioxide we produce, the more that nature will do for us and this is already being proven by the vast forest fires of recent years. While global warming can be linked to climate change, their are other factors to consider. We cannot change the amount of heat arriving from the sun and our oxygen / carbon dioxide levels have remained in balance for millions of years. Therefore what is changing.? looking at our planet as an enclosed tank of heat, the main addition that exists without a balance is nuclear power. The power stations are about 30% efficient, comparing the calorific value of nuclear fission to electricity generated. The rest of the heat is dumped into the oceans at a current rate of one billion megawatts per hour!!!!! and we wonder why the ice caps are melting. A worldwide change to electric vehicles will double this figure. I calculated that the UK will require 8 additional power stations by 2040. The government denied this, but last month suddenly announced that 40 additional stations would be needed. A week later, they revised this to 10, I assume that the original figure was based on the number of reactors. Putting the world to rights is no simple matter. PS, I am a chartered engineer and a retired member of the UK institute of engineering and technology. I laugh at the fact that a government select comity took 6 months and no doubt several million pounds, to work out the projected power requirements of the changeover to electric vehicles. It took me about an hour. Silly me, I only said 8 LOL.
You have a plant in the US that's 60% efficient. It's near Baglan Bay and uses natural gas to run a gas turbine engine then the heat is captured to produce steam to drive a steam turbine engine, on the same shaft. While this combined use of Brayton and Rankine cycles is far from new, this particular site was prototypical. There is a coal gasification plant in Mississippi that has become a nightmare with cost overruns and a steadily creeping schedule. At the moment they are only running it on methane, which was supposed to be used only for initial startup of the cycle which included gasifying coal and sequestering CO2. As for climate change, I think the concept itself is far too nebulous for the average human being regardless of their level of technology. How can we expect some guy to draw a line between his use of plastic bottles, and the end of the world? However, we can bring it down a notch to a steady fight against pollution. People can see, smell and taste pollution, so the concept is an easier sell and accomplishes the same goals. As for power plants, you're absolutely right that we can't possibly hope to simply swap out to electric cars overnight. But the biggest driver for adding power plants is population. I can't remember the estimated figure, but I saw a graph many years ago that described the amount of power people use from birth to death and it's quite sobering. For my part I have solar panels on my shed that feed 2 deep cycle batteries. When I need AC power I can switch in a 600 watt true sine wave inverter that works fine with most of my tools. This barely makes a dent in the overall consumption for a house with 5 people in it. But, if the power fails, I can bring up the lights and the web with an extension cord and run them for a few hours if need be. Swapping to LED lights saved us a bundle.
LED lighting has advanced unbelievably in the last few years. For decorative applications their is now 'sapphire filament' which produces an almost exact tungsten color temperature. A 1000 lumen bulb looks identical to a traditional lamp and consumes 8 watts, compared to 100. LED street lighting has now reached 150 lumens per watt saving 150% compared to SON (high pressure sodium).The white light is also far more pleasing to the eye, with a similar spectral graph to mercury discharge. My concerns with nuclear energy are simply because their is no balance for the heat. Scientists claim that the warmed surface of the oceans evaporate. While every gram of evaporating water does adsorb 540 calories of heat. When it falls as rain, 100% of that heat is given up. Nuclear physicists are far to clever to bother about an old fossil like Newton and his silly laws. The advantages with electric cars is that they move pollution away from the city and regenerative braking also saves power. Railways are attempting this technology, but it is thwart with problems. To slow the train, 900 volts DC is rectified back onto the 750 volt track, but if their are no other trains in the sector to consume the power, the 900 volts will remain and braking lost. Inverting the over voltage back onto the 11,000 volt grid supply is not viable since it is 3 phase delta coupled with yellow phase grounded and no star point. I do agree with the unnecessary use of plastic being controlled. Its pollution to the oceans in some parts of the world is horrific and even in the west its incineration with household waste produces huge quantities of hydrocyanic acid. Our dwindling oil is also unnecessarily used in its production.
Trump is just playing a role, as presidents are merely actors for the public to believe is in control. Of course he has always been a left-leaning Democrat, but overnight he became conservative. Or so they want us to believe. I don't believe that for a second.
I think Obama did a lot of good things for the country. He saved the automobile industry from bankruptcy. He corrected Bush's banking nightmare. He gave every citizen a little cash refund, which had a multi fold benefit when the people spent it. He did his damn best to close Guantanamo. And he brought dignity to the office of president. Trump in contrast has lowered the stature of the office to the lower level, by his constant every direction. He has appointed people to public office in departments they hate. Most recently, he appointed a man who hates the idea of consumer protection, to head the consumer protection bureau. He appointed people to head the department of energy and environmental protection, when these appointees do not want to protect the environment, and wish to let energy companies trash the western states. Trump has appointed Ben Carson to head the housing department, when he does not feel poor people deserve public housing. Trump has appointed Alex Azar to head Health and Human Services when he does not want any poor people to get government help when they are sick. Trump wants poor people to starve and freeze on the damn sidewalks. Whether Trumpy is impeached means little to me. We just need to get the sane Democrats back in Washington. Republicans can have sex with each other just like Wes Goodman at the Ohio state house...last week.