BUSHGAME - The Video Game!

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by jesuswasamonkey, Jun 5, 2004.

  1. Angel_Headed_Hipster

    Angel_Headed_Hipster Senior Member

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    Yeah, but if both the US and USSR didn't have their panties in a tangle about being the better superpower, that wouldn't have happened. ALSO, the only reason nuclear war MIGHT have occured was because of the US, we WERE the ones who invented the Atomic Bomb in the secret "Manhattan Project". It's because of US foreign policy,things like that happen man. The US foreign policy during the cold war (Containment) fucked up a lot of things, and was the reason for Korea and Vietnam, two messy wars that could have easily been avoided. Also, If the US hadn;t had such a fix for oil, it wouldn't have become allies with Saddam, it's not like we became friends with him because we were on his side. THe US government shou,d have also been more open to the American public about what Saddam was doing, and ATLEAST not trying to make him seem like an ok guy, the same thing is going on now with the House of Saud, he supplies the oil, and the US government stays Hush Hush about the human rights violations there. History repeats itself...escpecially in the US.

    No, also the fact that american troops and bases were put in the middle east, which fueled many middle easterners to hate us. In fact, the US bases in the middle east gave birth to a man named Osama Bin laden (you know him right? if you do, sorry, all the right wingers up on capitol hill have suddenly forgotten his name). The US needs to reverse its foreign policy because it gives birth to terrorists, and you cannot deny that.

    Peace and Love,
  2. MaxPower

    MaxPower Kicker Of Asses

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    We had our "panties up in a tangle" over being a superpower because the USSR was hell bent on extending communism throughout the world and destroying our capitalistic society (go read Lenin if you don't believe me). The USSR was right at our heels on making nuclear weapons too, it's not like we prompted them into doing it. if WWII had dragged on for just a while longer, Berlin would have gone up in a Soviet-induced mushroom cloud. And probably Tokyo as well. Containment was necessary, unless you'd rather be pledging allegiane to a hammer and sickle while your phone is bugged right now.

    American bases make up for maybe 1% of all middle eastern hatred of us, maybe we built one or two where a nice parking lot could have gone. Our support for Israel was the thing that got all the extremists bent out of shape in the first place, and everything that happened afterward has been a result of that.
  3. dhs

    dhs Senior Member

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    And the US wasn't hellbent on extending Democracy throughout this world during the Cold War and still again to this day? Now I obviously believe that Democracy is a better form of governing than Communisim, but the facts are WE are STILL TRYING TO DOMINATE THE WORLD.

    These are the principles for The Project for a New American Century, which has board members including Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. These were issued in 1997. In Red I raise a few points
    • we need to increase defense spending significantly if we are to carry out our global
    responsibilities today and modernize our armed forces for the future; Why is this necessary? Our defense budget even during the Clinton Administration was larger than the rest of the world's combined

    • we need to strengthen our ties to democratic allies and to challenge regimes hostile to our interests and values; Bush clearly has done a GREAT job at strenghtening ties hasn't he? Oh and are we challenging China as the principles of their regime are clearly unamerican

    • we need to promote the cause of political and economic freedom abroad; Ofcourse we do - if we are in favor with foreign governments that means we can outsource jobs there as well as cut better deals for ourselves on valuable resources such as hmmmm OIL maybe?

    • we need to accept responsibility for America's unique role in preserving and extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles. I wonder how china feels about this? There's that word extend you were using Max
  4. Angel_Headed_Hipster

    Angel_Headed_Hipster Senior Member

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    Exactly dhs, The US to this day pushes capitalism on other, poorer countries just as the USSR did with Communism. Communism may lead to problems, but so does capitalism, Think of the poor living on the street, with one pair of clothes and a shopping cart, do you think thats a political system we should be forcing people to practice? Communism is not a good political system, but neither is capitalism (As we see these days esp. being that wars are fought for oil). All political systems have faults, so we shouldn't be going around forcing our political system on others.

    Peace and Love,
  5. Maverick

    Maverick Banned

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    Oh please. Communism failed. Communism doesn't work. However, American Capitalism does, hence our status as "world power" in both a military and economic sense.
    Even our homeless can scrounge up enough cash to pay they're favorite drug dealer.
  6. MaxPower

    MaxPower Kicker Of Asses

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    No, our foreign policy was "containment" during the Cold War. Look up "containment" in the dictionary, I think the definition is far from "hellbent on extendig democracy".

    When the hell did I bring any of this up? Who said I wanted to dominate the world? What would make you think I like Bush?
  7. PierreLegrand

    PierreLegrand Member

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    Perhaps you have looked through the links and have found them to be worthless but more likely you may find that my games site makes it easy to discredit the links. And discrediting the links is more important than trying to understand the relationship between Al Queda and Saddam. The war on terror is far too important to have politics color what we consider valid as evidence.

    To many it seems that they believe that distorting reality enough to defeat Bush wont do any harm in the war on terror. I believe that we operate at such a disadvantage to the terrorists that any distorting of reality gives such an advantage to terrorists that those in our society who practice it should be ashamed of themselves.

    The link you provide is to my games site which was started while I was deeply involved in my original reason for buying computers, Flight Simulations and games. My nick in the Flight Simulation community since Prodigy days back in 1994 has been PAPADOC. I linked my blog to that site since many of my friends over the years have agreed with my politics. And my games site had generated a lot of traffic over the years being mentioned in places like Geeks.com, 3DFX Home Page, Voodoo Extreme, Blues News and other sites generally because of my video card reviews. Traffic is the lifeblood of a blog and I shamelessly tried to take advantage of all the work I had already done generating traffic for my games site. Biggest day on my games site was around 17,000 visits after being mentioned on one of those sites.

    On 9/11 I basically stopped playing games on my computer and started doing research. I felt that while I might be too old and have too many children to go running off to Iraq I could educate myself on the why's and wherefor's of this war on terror. I have been extremely fortunate to have exchanged emails with some of the most important people to further my understanding of the threat we face. This has resulted in part in the page Connections between Al Queda and Saddam which I believe is a very serious piece of information that is useful to anyone wanting to see what we face.

    I stopped using my nick on my Blog when I realized that I wanted to stand behind everything I wrote.


  8. BlackVelvet

    BlackVelvet Members

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    Pierre thank you for the post and the info! [​IMG]

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