So I haven't been here in a while but back in my day we used to have this in the stoner's lounge. I tried to use the search function and I didn't find a current one, so as a hello to all my old stoner friends in this forum, BUUUUUUUUUUMP!
bump. first time high in over a year. Ate part of an edible. im not really stoned so i might eat more of it
Retroactive bump from last night. It was a very bad idea. I am fighting off a cold and it just threw me into a coughing fit that further molested my throat. Will be taking a break tonight.
bump from yesterday down too 2 hits of this hash left I'm saving and a bowls worth left of pot I should be getting more tomorrow pot that is not the hash
Bump. Munchies tip: When making packaged chicken noodle soup (like lipton or whatever else), I break an egg or two in it towards the end. Adds consistency, and tastes amazing.