Bucket Shape Natal Chart

Discussion in 'Astrology' started by swallowallthehalos, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. swallowallthehalos

    swallowallthehalos Member

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    I have five planets in the third house (sun, mercury, venus, saturn, pluto) two in the fourth (jupiter, uranus) two in the fifth (mars, neptune) and one in the sixth (moon).

    Is there any significance in having so many planets jammed in one area (within four houses)?

    Here is a link to the chart: http://alabe.com/cgi-bin/chart/pics/2454765367115.gif
  2. trekker

    trekker Intrepid Traveler

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    That is actually not a bucket chart. It is a bundle chart. The difference is that a bucket chart has one planet opposing the bundled up planets thus making a handle. The handle planet of a bucket chart takes on great importance and should be watched as you progress the chart. A bundle chart shows someone who is a specialist in something, and may not have a very objective viewpoint on life.
  3. swallowallthehalos

    swallowallthehalos Member

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    ah yes, a bundle rather. I was thinking bucket, I think, because the node is in the handle position of my chart, would it have the same effect? What would a specialty mean with the emphasis on the third house?

    I just tried making a natal chart with a second website too, and with the exact information, some of the planets were shifted over to the second house, what can be the reason for this?
  4. sixthmoon16

    sixthmoon16 Member

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    I have a bucket chart. I would like someone to analyze this for me so I can figure out what special skills I need to work on. I have a hard time fitting in this damn worlds so hook it up.

    I already know what the planet in the signs me.

    I have 4 planets in the Third house. 2 planets in the 1st house. 1 in the 11th and 1 in the 12th house. and My moon is all the way on the other side in the Seventh house!

    What does this mean!? Thank you.

    Here is a link to it! :D

  5. yonosoymedico

    yonosoymedico Member

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    Yours is very close to mine actually!

    I'm Scorpio Ascendant with Saturn (1st H)
    Jupiter Uranus Neptune (2nd H)
    Moon in Aries(6th H)
    NNODE and CHIRON gemini(8th H)
    Venus and Mars Virgo (11th H)
    Mercury Sun and Pluto Libra (12th H)
    MC LEO

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