Well i dont know about that =), but they DID find THC in his blood when they did the autopsy. Im not sure if he smoked though... maby brownies i would think as he probably took great care of his body. Anyway... He was incredible and .... sometimes stoned:mickey:
Pothead or not he was one bad-ass mo-fo :2thumbsup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKIFlaV03s0"]Classic Bruce Lee Fight - Enter The Dragon (High Quality) - YouTube Hotwater
He was not a pot-head. Lee hated drugs, hated having his mind clouded by anything. Toward the end he was getting some severe migraines and went to a chinese herbalist who gave him some hash as a relief. No one knows how much or how long he was taking it ( he was very anti-smoking so he likely ate it), but it may have factored in to his mysterious death. Ate some contaminated hash, maybe had a severe reaction, allergy, perhaps contracted a rare blood disease...or maybe thats how his enemys finally got to him Bruce lee's introduction of eastern philosophy to the west was perhaps one of the largest factors spurring the new age movement.
Segal is a fuckin' puss and most definitely not hippie-like in real life more These guys are only half of the "dirty dozen" that called Segal out. The one in the back with his face partially obscured is Jim Harrison, my former teacher. He was good friends with Bruce Lee, and served as bodyguard for Linda Lee after Bruces death.