Bruce Jenner Has A Decidedly Feminine Side...

Discussion in 'Transexual and Transgender' started by QueerPoet, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. QueerPoet

    QueerPoet Senior Member

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    I just read that Bruce Jenner has been going through transition for several years now. At first I was totally shocked. I mean, I first fell in love with his masculine side (remember how he looked on the front of all those Wheaties cereal boxes in the 1970s?) while I was still in my teens. There was just something about him that I felt totally connected to.

    Now I understand why. I also have a decidedly feminine side, but have never had the funds/cash to do anything about it. I live as a male because I cannot afford to transition. Still, I applaud Jenner for becoming the person he knows he was meant to be. His ex-wife is not too happy about it, but his children are totally supportive. You go, Bruce! Bravery and honesty are the two qualities I admire most in a person :)
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    fat ass and her pet monkey dont approve..
  3. PaullyNormous

    PaullyNormous Members

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    60 did an article about guys that look like old lesbians and Bruce Jenner was on the list along with Don Imus, Steven Tyler and Clay Aiken.
  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    certainly difficult for transgendered people out in the world..

    Its even more difficult when TMZ gets paid to mocking and bully them..
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  5. PaullyNormous

    PaullyNormous Members

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    Also, PacificDude, my brother is about 9 months into his transition. He had to order all his meds from Asia and the site kept getting shut down. If you can find a reliable source for anti-androgens and estrogen pills, get them. If you're on them for more than 6 months and you see a doctor, that will give you a prescription. CT state insurance covers the meds, I'm not sure where you live, but I recommend looking into it. Be happy at least that you know who you are inside. Shine on.
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  6. QueerPoet

    QueerPoet Senior Member

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    So what's so bad about looking like an old lesbian? I can think of things much worse: Ronald Reagan (even during his so-called prime), Donald Trump, and Jay Leno :)
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  7. deleted

    deleted Visitor
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  8. QueerPoet

    QueerPoet Senior Member

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    Hey, thanks. I'm almost there, but still getting ready to take the jump (if that makes any sense). I'm happy for your brother. How did you feel about his transition when you first learned about it :)
  9. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    You can embrace a feminine transition without harming your body with poisonous chemicals.

    Jenner's age 65. The male body naturally loses testosterone. He has lost much of his physique over the years too.
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  10. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Creepy guy, and sick degenerate family. I am sure him and his family are paid well to promote their filth designed to degradate the already sick society we live in.
    IamNora likes this.
  11. PaullyNormous

    PaullyNormous Members

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    I was incredibly offended. I was one of the last people to know. He was afraid of how I would react. I told him that there was no way I was going to remove someone from my life who has been a significant part of me becoming who I am today. I still miss him being Adam, but I havepPhoebe now and I still love him all the same.
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  12. PaullyNormous

    PaullyNormous Members

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    Nothing wrong with it. I know quite a few old lesbians. It just shows that androgeny doesn't typically translate well into old age.
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  13. PaullyNormous

    PaullyNormous Members

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    Bruce Jenner is hardly to blame for the state of the Kardashian mongoloids.
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  14. QueerPoet

    QueerPoet Senior Member

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    That's so totally cool. I wish my family had been so open minded :)
  15. QueerPoet

    QueerPoet Senior Member

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    It's "he" (not him). And I think you meant degrade (not degradate)?

    P.S. Sadly, you are a member of the "sick" society we live in. So your point is...
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  16. PaullyNormous

    PaullyNormous Members

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    That's something you'll always have to face, people not being understanding of your soul and what it needs to be "normal". If you ever feel the need to vent, I will be more than happy to listen.
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  17. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I was actually under the impression Bruce Jenner just had too many plastic surgeries which left him with a more feminine look like Michael Jackson. He has never confirmed he is going through a change and those pictures in the tabloids of him wearing women's clothes and make up are decidedly photoshopped.
  18. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Yes, degrade, Was half asleep when I wrote that.

    And no, I am not part of this society. I dropped out. All I need to do is move to a more isolated spot.
  19. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    So, Jenner came out, officially. Sounds like a hellish ride getting to a place of peace, and now the technical details.

    It's inaccurate to compare andropause and supplemental estrogen with anti androgens.

    It's akin to saying menopausal women become men.

    While some societies do have a more free role for women after menopause, giving status equivalent to a man, that's not true in western societies. (My knowledge specifically was Rom families pre WWII)

    My family has a trans member who is carefully coming out, person by person. Situation by situation.
  20. AiryFox

    AiryFox Member

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    So what?

    Who is anyone of us to judge another individual on how they want to live?
    DaveTheBiGuy likes this.

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