You know there is sometimes the phenomenon of faith healing. Could be psychosomatic. Could be God. Could be fate. But I thought, why not bring back devotion to the Asclepieion in Greece: Asclepieion - Wikipedia ? It's not as weird as it sounds. Dorothy Eady used make night prayers and offerings to Horus at the Great Sphinx. If you don't come back healed, you will come back happier. Or at least having had a nice vacation.
Hey, and you don't have to go to a shrine. For a miracle, in the RC church, a relic would do. I still have this Fr. Solanus Casey one from his shrine from the 80's: FR-SOLANUS-RELIC hosted at ImgBB It contains a piece of his cloak. I have to tell you, articles of clothes are usually taken from the body. Actually, a first class relic is usually bone or blood, and it is preferred. Third class relics are just touched to a first or second class relic. But I think that has to be done by a priest. This one is enclosed in plastic so you don't have to touch it (yuck). I don't know if they have relics available anymore at St. Boneventure in Detroit. But he was exhumed in 2017: Remarkable find when Fr. Solanus was exhumed for relics You know, I was telling one of my doctors. In 1988, I took a dime and blessed it with a relic of Fr. Solanus and some Lourdes water. Anyone ever hear of a miraculous dime in the Detroit area circa 1988 that cured the sick? I don't think much came of it. But the point is, I think that would be acceptable in the RC Church. You can test God. And you can bribe him. The latter is called St. Anthony's Bread. Those Catholics are very practical. And it's how I was brought up.
Anyways, can someone download that pic from imgbb, in case I delete it some day. I can never download pictures here.
Your image won't show because the site you took it from probably doesn't want it posted elsewhere, or it doesn't have the proper .jpg or .gif extension.