Brian Williams Of Nbc News

Discussion in 'People' started by Piney, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It appears that Brian Williams has told a fib about his 2003 visit to Iraq. He states the helicopter came under rocket grenade attack.
    It did not happen.
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  2. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I've been hearing a lot about this, myself. It was a silly thing to do, and I don't know what he was thinking, but he seems to be handling his mistake appropriately and with grace. Obviously, newscasters are fallible and they lie all of the time. I feel bad for the guy, mostly. Everyone does what he does, he just got caught.
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  3. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    From what I heard it was another chopper flying with him that got hit, so his "party" was under fire, with the other chopper supposedly getting hit.

    IMO, Brian has done way too much comedy, thus distorting his ability to recall fact from fiction. Maybe he should stick with comedy?
  4. wyldwynd

    wyldwynd ~*~ Super Moderator

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    image.jpg image.jpg
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  5. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Maybe they should go after a few other well-known liars about Iraq.
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  6. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I dont really consider Brian Williams and others like him journalists. He's an entertainer, a minor celebrity. When you consider him in that context this really isn't surprising.
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  7. S&L

    S&L Member

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    I like to put a few facts to this:
    RPG (Rocket propelled grenade) is fired from the shoulder.
    Two types: one disposable, one reloadable.
    The launcher is aimed similar to a rifle.
    The propellant is burned up once the war head left the disposable launcher;
    for the reloadable one once the tube attached to the war head left the launching tube (not like you see in Hollywood crap).
    What NBC is waffling about is a reloadable Russian?Chinese made one, that fires a shape charge to disable tanks or blow a (small) hole in a building up to approx. 300 yards.
    To hit a flying object with it is great luck!
    Infotainment counts on the ignorance of it's viewers!
  8. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    30 Rock ... NBC .nothing but comedy.

    BW isnt a bad guy, I dont much mind him on the nightly news...

    I think people are going overboard and looking for reasons to bash the guy.. Go after the trolls on FOX, leave Brian Alone..
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  9. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Just another lying media whore. Yet when he goes back on air people will continue to believe the lies he spews.
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  10. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    As if any corporate news is good? He is a fucking liar who makes millions lying to the public, keeping people in a state of perpetual ignorance. How many fucking people died (or were maimed) in the last war he helped to propagandize? Maybe you know or are one of those people his lies helped to injure.
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  11. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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  12. rambleON

    rambleON Coup

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    So here is my take on this and keep in mind I am not privy to any facts on the matter, this is what I think

    Brian Williams is not a free lance reporter for NBC on any level, he does not decide what he reports and says on any topic and only expresses the views and opinions of the network executives. I'll go so far as to say that not a single word is left up to him. Everything on this level is scripted, down to the tone and pyschologal effect each report should leave the viewers with. This stuff is an oppressive science. IMO

    That said, this whole drama is stage-managed on some level to some degree, the whole entire mainstream media machine could have easily choose to go another route and remain silent, yet they made this an issue for a reason and it is not because Brian WIlliams "integrity" matters, only his imagine. The executives control his image.

    They probably set an exit for him to replace him with a character more fitting to what their overall news agenda is.

    For those who disagree, why?
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  13. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Yes, this is why the whole "scandal" is ultimately meaningless. It just highlights the fact these people within the media are paid LIARS. Not just one of them, but all of them. They are all intellectual prostitutes, and all do the bidding of those they're working for. The only difference is that Williams was outed, when in fact everything that comes from the mouths of all reporters at large are riddled with lies and half-truths.

    Ultimately Williams is just a teleprompter-reading talking head like the rest of the media whores. None of this is new (or news).
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  14. rambleON

    rambleON Coup

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    Yup, I have a difficult time trying to play along with the story line as if it were true...just am unable, like you and probably a lot of others here.

    Rat you know April is coming, time for another death massacre...I predict it coming.
  15. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    May is a more appropriate time for one of their blood rituals, but something big is going to happen sooner than later, especially as the propaganda towards ISIS ramps up. I can see something big happening at any time, not excluding some media perpetrated hoax similar to what we saw with Sandy Hook or Boston. It's easy for the government to stage live drills and pass them off as a real terrorist attack with minimal loss of life, but a huge media spectacle nonetheless.
  16. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Propaganda is propaganda. It will never change. Most of what we see and hear is bullshit. Hell....I'm a fan of American Ninja Warrior and it is completely obvious that even that contest is created in a way where the commentary is recorded later and packaged for show. It's all bullshit. My wife watched some award show earlier and that was bullshit too. It's a facade that many people buy into.
  17. deleted

    deleted Visitor


    happy now...
  18. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Well, I don’t know much about military operations or how much Brian remembers about that flight in Iraq, but reports of the lies he told in New Orleans during Katrina have caused me to completely lose trust in him. I was watching mostly CNN and MSNBC during the event, so I just recently found out what Brian reported on NBC during its Katrina coverage.

    One of the most obvious lies Brian told was that he saw a dead body floating by the window of his hotel room. He was staying at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, on the corner of Canal and Bourbon. I’ve walked by it a zillion times. I know that the deep water got no closer than the intersection of Canal and Rampart, and knee-deep water advanced only one and a half more blocks up Canal Street toward the river. That’s clearly shown on the flood map in Time Magazine’s special Katrina edition, and confirmed to me in person by New Orleans locals when I visited the next year. From the Ritz Carlton, nobody could have seen a floating body at that distance and positively identified that it wasn’t a log or other piece of debris. The head of the National Guard forces on the scene said that no bodies were recovered any closer than the Superdome area, which isn't even visible from that hotel, hidden by other tall buildings in the modern section of downtown.

    Williams’ other apparent Katrina lies include witnessing a suicide jumper at the Superdome, getting dysentery from contaminated floodwater, and being rescued from a criminal gang inside his hotel's stairway. If someone had jumped to their death inside the Superdome, there would have been hundreds if not thousands of witnesses. There are no exterior doors or windows above sidewalk level, and no such person was found on the grounds, injured or killed from an impact. The city’s chief medical official at that time says that no cases of dysentery were reported by any area hospitals or EMS crews during the crisis, and the manager of the Ritz Carlton claims there was no criminal activity inside the building at any time. Nobody remembers participating in a rescue in that hotel, or any kind of an incident in a stairway.

    I'd be surprised if we ever see Williams in that anchor chair again. After being caught in so many lies, how can credibility be regained?

    And if Lester Holt gets the job, isn't this going to be the first time a black American has held a full-time major network news anchor position on weeknights, permanently? I'm not sure it's legit to count Max Robinson, who used to be in Chicago for ABC, because the anchor duties at that time were divided three ways, with Frank Reynolds in Washington and Peter Jennings in London, a little less than ten minutes each, per night.
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  19. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Over the last 24 hours, researchers have caught him in several more lies, told at various times during his career. The story is developing so fast that I can't keep up with it.

    He's done.
  20. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I always liked him, so i find this all very disturbing...did he lie? why?.....I often wonder why so many people lie? majority do.....I am afraid....and that has been my experience.....

    It is sad really.....and what is sadder to me is a pack mentality now after him like a bunch of hungry wolves....when there are so many other things to worry about....:(

    another diversion perhaps?

    Speaking of hurricane katrina.....watching the news one day.....I heard Bush's wife turn to him and say, well they are used to living in squalor anyway....and then that disappeared from being ever heard many things are said and done we are not even privvy to.

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