I messaged Brian Denning who does the Skeptoid podcast the following message, “Have you ever done a show on the myth of saturated fat causing heart disease? The evidence is not there.” His reply, “No, nor would I, as that’s not true. Saturated fats have been mentioned in a number of shows though if you search the site.” I did a search with passing mentions. I then tried to send the following message only to find I had been blocked. It would seem he is only a Skeptic on selective subjects. “I cannot think of any aspect of anthropology that has so much intellectual dishonesty than dietary fat and cholesterol. Remember if you want to know the truth, follow the money.So you go long with the idea that you eat a bit of saturated fat, your cholesterol goes up and you have a heart attack? Humans have been consuming saturated fat for eons and while there was the odd heart attack it was nothing like in the 20th Century. Some years ago I asked the then AHF – the down-under version of the AHA- for scientific references regarding saturated fat and they could not give me any. More recently they did have list of references for avoiding saturated fat and trans fat. Guess what? All 100 references they gave were all for trans fat. I think I would call that bad science.”