really? It seems akin to canceling your insurance policies or opting out of your car insurance or something. I don't know any of the details; people have tried to explain it to me, but I can't reconcile everything. Anyway... you'll get no trouble from me. A Brexit is a Brexit is a Brexit...
The original idea of the European Community was OK. But now we have an undemocratic bureaucracy running the EU. The want their own armed forces so goodbye the the Royal Navy, RAF and British Army. We beat the squareheads physically twice in the last century. No they are trying like a cancer to control us. They keep increasing the number of countries thereby watering down the power of the UK.
No. BREXIT will be on Freedom Day 31st October 2019 or I will show you my arse! But of course that won’t be the end of the story, as we still have to negotiate trading deals with the EU and the rest of the world. So this thing will roll on and on and on. But this will be with the Control in our own hands. Remember that? Take back control!
So after telling us for the past three years that Brexit will have little or impact on the UK economy, despite some eminent economists disputing this, it now turns out that the bastard Brexiteers, haven't a clue just how much it will cost us !!! Chancellor Sajid Javid admits he cannot say how much no-deal Brexit will cost
Dude, overall its not going to cost you anything, its going to do the exact opposite You are going to have a bunch of public servants, port workers, truck drivers going to get paid more overtime Divide it into 4 main areas 1. Trade 2. Citizenship/Visas 3. Standards 4. Irish border With a no deal brexit, every single one of those areas, it will mean more jobs, more overtime getting paid out. How would that not be true. It will give you the same economic stimulus as your government giving a huge tax cut
Well said there Vanilla, and I agree with every word you have spoken. Thing is my friend. In Bad Vlad there you are talking to a Marxist/Trotsky/ Labour Left Winger peddling all the Socialist Arthur Skaggy and the like shite In other words.. A brick wall!
So true. That army problem is unbelievably serious. As they have signed up countries in the east, they have offered military support against reoccupation from Russia. NATO does not want any involvement, so we could end up out there fighting Russia. I say, leave it to the hun and let them relearn the lessons of 1945.
Lolz, there you go, divisions within the UK that have gone on for centuries, but we'll pretend you are all one big happy family if you stay in the EU. One post you dont like and its, well you're Welsh so is your face
Ignorance is bliss isn't it. Might I suggest you go look at an atlas, find a map of the uk and then tell me which part of Wales Brighton actually is in ???