Has anyone here tasted Breast Milk as an Adult? If so, how does it taste? Do you think human cheese can be produced? and sold?
i have tried it as an adult. (no, not from my mom. haha....yeah)... its not very thick- kinda watery and bland. as for the cheese, you can go ahead and try.
after a few days of not washing I believe human cheese could be produced, although I don't think it would sell well S
it's kinda sweet, thin, much thinner than cow's milk. my husband kinda got a kick out of it when we were having sex. good luck getting women to give up their stored breast milk for cheese.
for some reason, in 7th grade, my school started serving breast milk instead of the regular milk from a cow. i didn't care that much for the regular breast milk they gave us, but the chocolate breast milk was fantastic. it was very thin and silky and chocolately. the only problem, they served them in pouches and it was sort of hard to open the pouch... after a half year, they switched back to regular milk...i miss the chocolate breat milk