What do you think about Canada's invitation for the blue state west coast to become part of it instead of the U.S.? or another alternative idea for the blue west coast to become its own country called Pacifica? While such things could be a little messy, I'm not sure they are bad ideas. I can't imagine this partisan not-so-merry go-round going on much longer.
https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map California had 68 hate groups as of 2015. Does Canada want them too?
Hmm - is this for real? - a temporary or permanent measure?, think that such action would sees the states of America un-united, Sometimes the grass can seem greener, however, so often there are consequences of disappointment. - and then what next? Russia to offer an invite to Alaska??
i think its a great idea id love to be able to travel south without having to deal with asshole american border agents
It would never happen. However there has been a state succession movement with BC, WA, and OR to form the nation of Cascadia. Which has been going on for quite some time. http://www.cascadianow.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascadia_(independence_movement) If anything, I'd say that'd be more likely to happen than the USA allowing Canada to take over the whole west coast. That said, as someone from Cascadia, I don't think I'd like the idea of an independence movement all that much. I'd worry about the laws and economic system that the people around here find popular. It could turn this whole place into the next Venezuela. Maybe, or maybe not...