Bradley Manning pleads guilty to some charges....

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by Sig, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    him and tom clancy , give us a break dude. [​IMG]
  2. Driftwood Gypsy

    Driftwood Gypsy Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    He's a hero in my opinion.

    Deserve has little to do with it, but I am a US Citizen, these are my tax dollars, my home, my leaders, yeah I do have a right.
    But speaking of who deserves what aside; I believe in free information; if I want to see something or share info, I.... will.

    That sounds exactly what a schoolyard bully says after some poor kid offs himself. heartless and lacking in understanding.

    you mean brave free thinkings who aren't bullied into conformism and blind obedience are rare. and I agree. far too rare.

    I'm seriously shocked and disgusted that we're treating this guy as anything less than a hero, let alone locking him up! Our government is against free thinking.
  3. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    Not surprised you can't tell the difference between what Clancy wrote and what Manning released.
  4. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    This is the military, and this is war. It isn't some fucking game. You "conform", you fit in, and you follow orders, or people die. The information he released, and the information you feel you have some sort of right to know, put lives at risk. I know this doesn't mean dick to you, a civilian, tucked safely behind your computer at home, thinking you know exactly what's best. The reality, however, is far different. Your naivete, your arrogance, has no place in the real world.
  5. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they already have a military trial, which concluded that the information allegedly released by Manning didn't cause any national security risks or put lives at risk?
  6. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    To those that believe that the shadow government has a right to do anything in our names--he's a traitor. To those that believe openness in how this country comports itself is paramount and should be known--he's a hero. Is it evil versus good? Depends on the subjective position of the observer. Personally,I was taken aback when Dwight Eisenhour denied the existance of the U-2,which of course was an outright lie. From then on,I knew the government would do and/or say anything to defend any and all actions by itself and that hardcore jingoists would defend them no matter what the truth was/is. It remains the same.
  7. odonII

    odonII O

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    If government A holds secrets from government B why should government B be any different than government A?
  8. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Can you be more-----------specific.
  9. odonII

    odonII O

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    Be more specific about what? The scope of 'secrets'?
    What a citizen from country B should know that government A should or should not have access to? (good luck with that).
    Possibly the level of secrecy citizen B should have that is not afforded to Government A?
    You expect a level of 'secrecy' - for e.g, citizens in the UK and U.S seek to keep as much from either government as possible -
    but expect both governments to be open and transparent to all citizens (and therefore all other governments).
    This seems contradictory and unworkable.
  10. wendsday3

    wendsday3 Guest

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    Wow, my first post & it's regarding something I've been following very close for over 2 years. That's pretty awesome.

    There's allot of ignorance among those who fear the truth. Fact are facts. I get so sick of reading "oh he did it to get attention. Oh he did it because he was a nobody" and the list goes on and on. Say what you want, it's a free country but as I've said. Fact are facts. Just because you fear truth doesn't mean it's doesn't exist. So go ahead and live in denial, but also keep in mind he was tortured ON AMERICAN SOIL for 9 months by men who are here to "protect & serve" our country. Not only that but it's taken over 3 years for his trial to actually begin. 3 years! In a Military court! It's absolutely pathetic.

    I can & will answer any/all questions should you be interested in actually listening to he REAL story behind Bradley Manning. if you're not afraid of the answer.
    I'm not sure if links are allowed in posts or not, but the best place to be properly informed is bradleymanning .org
    *Free Bradley Manning*
  11. lode

    lode Banned

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    The opposite; People die because they follow orders. Orders to go literally to the other side of the planet and shoot people. That's how people die, and because of Manning we know most of them were civilians.

    I do know that not going halfway across the world for endless wars isn't what's best. Almost all Americans know it isn't in hindsight, but at the time, they got caught up in this nonsense bravado. But you can take solace that Americans have short memories.

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