Boyfriends Just Started Speed. Need Help!

Discussion in 'Psychedelics' started by babybell, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. littlelegs

    littlelegs Members

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    My boyfriend has started speed today and he's been a total mess, he is talking about using it daily. We've been together over seven months and I love him more than anything but I can't be with him if he's on that, been there in the past and its not good. How do I make him stop?
  2. AstralBear

    AstralBear Feed the Bear

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    Sadly, you can't make him stop. He has to want to stop. I would suggest to him that he get immediate help for it.
  3. littlelegs

    littlelegs Members

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    Tempted to tell him it's me or the drugs but scared of the reply really
  4. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    He started today?

    Like, he's used it for one day....

    Maybe at this point you should be talking with him - or, you should be talking with him when he comes down.

    Also, I don't think it's fair to be all bent out of shape and freaking out at someone for being a total mess... what, in the sense that he's high? Probably much less of a mess than most patrons at any given bar's closing time. He's a bit lifted, it's not a thirty alarm fire just because he got high and is gushing about how much he likes being high, it doesn't mean he'll really become a speedfreak, or that you have to stand by if/while he does.

    Bring it down a notch.
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  5. AstralBear

    AstralBear Feed the Bear

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    I've been an addict before, and your addiction overrides your senses. Usually ultimatums are not the best way to go. I don't know how long you have known him or how much you love him, but two people who unconditionally love each other are there for the other no matter what. However, please be careful and do not let any harm fall upon you.
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  6. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    what do people mean these days when they say speed? I mean, there's a huge difference between him using meth or popping an Adderall.
  7. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    ....there really isn't, even if they'd tell you that to sell you adderall.

    Non-psychedelic amphetamines are, for the most part, all the same damn thing.
  8. littlelegs

    littlelegs Members

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    What would you suggest I do, I've been with addicts in the past and that's why this is hurting so badly. He's only just came off steroids and lots of other drugs to help his body image while he works out but he is also taking ultraburn on top of the speed. I'm terrified, he's gonna do something to harm himself, his family, people at work or all in all just do something really stupid. I really don't think I can support him threw this, he promised me he wouldn't touch another drug.
  9. AstralBear

    AstralBear Feed the Bear

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    When he comes down, have a serious but calm discussion with him about your feelings and concerns. Being he said that he is considering making a daily thing, I would encourage him to go to therapy. The chemical addiction that the body had is symptomatic, so that means the root of the problem needs to be treated, which is his addicting personality. When a person has a addicting personality, then they can become addicted to anything like weed, sex, or even food. A lot of people fail, because they try to have the symptom treated and not the root of the problem.
  10. littlelegs

    littlelegs Members

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    Doubt he will come down, he took some at half past six this morning, he's still on a total high (no idea how much he took) and he's taking some again in the morning apparently. There's no chance of talking any sense into him, he's like a child that's been allowed a sip of alcohol for the first time. Really don't know what to do, I've texted him my worries but heard nothing back.
  11. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    leave him and find a better guy
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  12. AstralBear

    AstralBear Feed the Bear

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    If he loves you, he will at the least listen to you and try to get himself some help.
  13. littlelegs

    littlelegs Members

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    Not sure I could ever find anyone better than him. Really think he's the one.
  14. littlelegs

    littlelegs Members

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    Thank you so much for your help, will talk to him when I next see him and just explain how it makes me feel and why. You're a great help so thank you
  15. AstralBear

    AstralBear Feed the Bear

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    If you need anything, I am here. I will do what I can to help.
  16. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    No way man, I'm not saying Adderall is healthy but you can look at a meth head and tell they're a meth head if they've been doing it long enough - sunken eyes, bad skin, rotten teeth. Adderall is pure amphetamine salt, meth is Sudafed and all the shit under your bathroom sink.
  17. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    My "one day" with speed started in 1977 and ended in 1995. Granted, it was up and down. Most of the time I maintained control. But when I went off the cliff, it was for weeks. I've lost relationships, friends, jobs and freedom to this amazing stuff. My very first "speed" wasn't even speed at all. It was caffeine pills. They were really popular in the early 80s. But, they were not enough. So I found a source of diet pills for a while.

    Then I learned how to make meth. What a fucking curse. I could do short batches for about $5 a gram and I bragged about being able to get it from the pan to my arm in 20 minutes. I destroyed my veins after years of this. Then I discovered a better buzz that required no needles at all, CRACK!!!! What amazing stuff. Caused me to pawn jewelry, computers, stuff I stole and even a car. It was Jane, my wife, who saw my potential. She endured a couple of years of my worst.

    Then one day we went for an ultrasound. I saw that I had a child on the way. I decided at that point not to be another strung out asshole Dad. But quitting crack was hard. My habit was about $200 a day. I sold stuff for a living and did very well since I never slept. But I knew it was not compatible with children. So I stopped. But I had 1 last trip before it was over. I knew a trip would break the craving cycle. So I got a microdot and tripped. Then I switched back to pot to satisfy my addictive demon. This was before energy drinks, so I drank quite a bit of coffee as well.

    That was trip number 89 (I kept count) and the very last I ever had of cocaine or amphetamines.

    Uppers are insidious because they have such a rewarding up side. As long as you keep feeding it, you're ok. To a point. Then you become a demon, then you crash for days.

    On the issue of teeth, I hated the taste that shooting meth left in my mouth. So I brushed my teeth many times a day. I still have them. All of them. Go figure.
  18. ElEyeJaw

    ElEyeJaw Banned

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    There's likely something about yourself that attracts these sorts of men. What can you change about yourself to improve this aspect of your life?
  19. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    that totally made me reevaluate shit real quick! when i got dumped, i changed my life. but my girl dumped me for real and never looked back. it might just be the greatest thing you can ever do for him.

    statistically not possible.
  20. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    I'm sorry, but "adderall" is amphetamine, "meth" is methamphetamine....

    Living in unhealthy ways leads to poor health, and looking like you're in poor health.

    It's rather similar to the case of the crackhead and the blow-sniffing banker.... nearly the same drug, similar effects, but one lives a pampered life with sleep, nutritious food, healthcare, and general luxury, while the other is homeless and starved and worn out. It's not that bankers don't suffer the same toxic effects of the cocaine, it's that bankers are not, as a result of their drug use, stomped on by society and made to live like animals - abused animals at that.

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