Boyfriend can't stay hard

Discussion in 'Sexual Health' started by Ann8899, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. Ann8899

    Ann8899 Guest

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    Been dating my boyfriend for about 6 months. During foreplay, he gets soon as we attempt sex he goes soft. It's very very frustrating. I don't know if it's nerves or what. Any advice greatly appreciated!!
  2. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    maybe u foreplay to long. /r u using condoms?.. try a bigger one. pre-open it some during foreplay. less fumbling when the deed is due..

    break the foreplay up and wait 1/2 hour for penis to recover.

    if you have foreplay for 45min, the penis may only stay hard for another 15min.. and so on..

    > those that chime in with the penis stays hard for hours and hours are probably full of shit. while there isnt much doubt a penis can stay erect for longer than an hour. Built in safety measure to prevent damage to erectile tissue varies from penis to penis. 45min/one hour erection, and recover time of 15/20min to 1/2hour should produce the best results, should get just as hard this time around. if not. then maybe a doctor is needed.

    so, you either jump right into sex, have cuddle/afterplay time after. or the above..
  3. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    6 months together? advice is to bail from the dude asap
  4. mattmiller

    mattmiller Guest

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    From my experience, and trust me I have much experience with this, it's most definitely the nerves, or he's just not in the moment. Being together for six months is a great thing but matters not when it comes to intercourse. How long have you been having sex for?

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