i wasn't sure, and happy to hear it. i'm pretty sure there's more then one writer i'm on more same sites with then here too. that's what i mean, i'm never sure who anyone is when they use different names in different places. and she is one of my favorite people on here. and on wherever else we might both happen to be. (and yes i'm making an assumption about gender too, because i'm never sure about that unless i see a picture or meet them in person and even then not always) who i 'know' from how many other contexts where, i have no idea really. always wonder if i've met someone and where.
Yes Don't take my critical comments (i guess that's how i annoyed you most) personally. They rarely are :-D
Ohhhh. It's making me feel a bit sick, the idea of people reading it now. Hahaha. Thanks Mally, now no one mention it ever again
aw I missed this earlier. I'm honored. You are one of my favourites too. (Yes I am a she and we don't know each other from anywhere else.)
Off topic but bouncing off what themnax said, I'm always curious when members here allude to being on other forums It's like they're living double lives lol
I am on four forums altogether thats how i got here , a person on another forum ( that i got quite close to ) brought me to hip ! So now you know who to blame for me
Ooh I like that. That happens to be a random line I wrote on its own and then put into the story so it has more meaning to me than the average sentence.