Alright. This is somewhat of a long story. Basically, I’ve been dealing with the fear for the past six months that my wonderful partner cheated on me (he didn’t) because of something so MINOR, but it is driving me absolutely insane. I want to know what I was smelling, and if there’s a medical explanation for it. Below is an extreme TMI: After I (female) masturbate sometimes, I have this scent left on my hand of either discharge or sweat (not sure which; I only smell it if I haven’t showered yet). It doesn’t smell bad, just similar to BO. Really musky and sweet. I don’t have an infection, but I’ve always associated the smell with vagina. The scent comes DIRECTLY from the folds of my labia. Recently, my boyfriend’s sweat smelled the same as this scent. I’ve also smelled this same scent on other people at the grocery store before. This in particular didn’t necessarily raise any red flags, but it made me think back to about a year and a half ago in our relationship, when I went in to kiss him and tasted this smell on his lips. It tasted like what my hand would probably taste like after masturbation, AKA my labia/a vagina. It freaked me out, even though we were both virgins at the time. My mind started racing and searching for an answer. I literally have no clue what this could be. Maybe just sweat? Or bad breath that day? Diet? If anyone knows, can you please explain what I’m smelling so I can let this go PLEASE? It’s driving me nuts. Don’t tell me to just trust my boyfriend. I do trust him in the present moment, but I want to have added peace of mind about the past. Tl;dr: boyfriends lips tasted/smelled like the folds of my labia and it makes me think he cheated when there’s probably an explanation for this scent?
Maybe he rubbed one out and inadvertently touched his lips before washing his hands / kissing you? I don’t sniff dicks but I assume pussies have the same type of smell?
Did you ever check if he doesn't have a dirty panties fetish he's ashamed of? Maybe he takes your dirty panties from the hamper?
Rosey, is sounds like you have a keen sense of smell. The fact that you can pick up similar smelling odors in public places speaks to your sensitivity. I would caution however, assigning the odors you are smelling are exclusively a genitalia odor; the microbiome changes when we introduce new people or even animals into our tight social groups. Although it is possible you smelled an odor resembling a vaginal smell on your partner, i find it to be somewhat unlikely due to your statement that the both of you were virgins at the time. Understand, this is only my opinion. I would encourage you to discover the truth in a different way. It will require you to be completely honest with yourself and not insert your fears or judgements into the situation. Replay the moment very slowly in your mind when the incident happened. Your body intuition usually has the truth regardless of your mind's conclusions. When you first smelled the scent, did your mind connect the dots or was it your gut? Did the conclusion come from a place of fear or was it knowing? The mind can attempt to talk us out of the truth but the truth still remains. You can totally trust your body/gut intuition however our minds are often prone to believing something, whether or not it is true. Best of luck and love.