Both genders, How sensitive are your nipples?

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Just for fun, Jan 29, 2021.

  1. Just for fun

    Just for fun Live your best life

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    When ever I have any kind of sex and I have satisfied my girl and it is time for me to let go, my nipples play a very important role. She or I MUST touch my nipples. It feels like my nipples and the head of my dick are connected with intense feelings. At times when she is ready for action and I am not, all she does is touch my nipples and walla I get as hard as Chineese arithmetic.

    Bur her nipples are dead. She even as a teen has never had any feeling in them go figure.
  2. Toecutter

    Toecutter Senior Member

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    My nipples, nothing, it does nothing for me. My wife’s are much more sensitive and enjoys nipple play, l had her get her nipples pierced “I really like the look” With the piercing she was told that her nipples would get even more sensitive. She said the piercing did help a little to increase her sensitivity but not a great deal, we both really like visual benefits of her getting pierced.
  3. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Come near mine and I run a mile lol . Most sensitive part of my body .
    Just for fun likes this.
  4. TnGuy87

    TnGuy87 Members

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    My girl plays with mine sometimes when she’s on the bottom however, It really doesn’t do much for me. I don’t get much feeling. But at the same time I really do like it when she does play with them. ‍♂️
  5. Totally Yoda

    Totally Yoda Members

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    Mine are. I didn't know until recently. Never thought in a million years they are.
  6. Rbexxx

    Rbexxx Banned

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    I love nipple play, especially when he licks or sucks on my tits
  7. Kevin001

    Kevin001 Members

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    My wife and I both have very sensitive nipples. Love the nipple play. Gets the action started!!
  8. LowHangers

    LowHangers Members

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    Mine are quite sensitive and I love them to be sucked and licked. My wife's really likes how far out they protrude, she can actually give them
  9. Scharff

    Scharff Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Not much for me. My former FWB could cum once in a while from me licking her nips. But she had to have climaxed first in some other way...
  10. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    There isn't any reason to mess with mine until . . . . hold that thought
    Let's talk about temperature change as in sudden cooling. I was taught a technique that sends many women to the brink of orgasm when done to a nipple. Take one in the mouth and suck and flick it softly for a few moments. Be fingering her pussy and/or clitoris. You should feel it growing a little. Then with nipple nice and wet pull off and blow. Blow air softly across her wet nipple and watch her body react to the quick cooling of the area around it. It's fascinating to see the nipple harden and crinkle up plus she may cum from the sensation. An ice cube will do much the same.
    Now back to that thought . . . . mess with mine until I or my partner take a nipple and either she swirls her tongue across or I flick just the tip. It's the very tip that feels great when touched. The sensation sends signals directly to my cock. In order to feel anything my nipple has to be touched softly, very softly. Just the very tip of either one being manipulated is what feels good. Any other play with my nipples most times hurts and is not enjoyable. Don't suck or pinch them. A wet light flick of a finger or tongue swirl over the very tip connects nipple to cock and is quite enjoyable.
  11. NaturalDreams

    NaturalDreams Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    My nipples weren't really all that sensitive until I got them pierced. I liked nipple play before I got them pierced, I love it now!
    Pinkpeach likes this.
  12. Jamie28London

    Jamie28London Members

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    My girlfriend loves me playing with her nipples. I on the other hand hate mine being touched. They feel like they will split if anything other than a tongue is used.
  13. Romper

    Romper Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    I had a girlfriend once who loved rough nipple play. She liked for me to bite them. As she was getting close to orgasm, she would say, "Bite it harder." As she got closer, she would say, "Bite it harder. Bite it off!" I could never do that to her, but I imagine over the intervening years with a lot of partners, she has found two willing biters, and she no longer has either of her nipples.

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