Kim Baldrige glanced up at the clock. It was ten after five and everyone else in the office had left. She’d be halfway home herself if her boss, Henry Sharpe, hadn’t told her that he needed to talk to her after work. Kim was annoyed at having to wait. It was Friday and she wanted to get her weekend started as soon as possible. She’d met a cute guy at the supermarket a few days before and they’d made a date to see a movie that night. It wasn’t the sort of thing she did all the time, but he was awfully sweet and he did say she looked like Jennifer Aniston, which she did, a little. Mr. Sharpe stuck his head out from behind his office door. “Come in here, Kim.” he said curtly and ducked back inside. Kim walked into the office and sat down in a chair facing Mr. Sharpe’s desk. It was rather dark in there with only the dying rays of the sun illuminating the room. Henry Sharpe sat at his desk, fidgeting with the lock on the company’s cash box. He was fairly distinguished looking for a man of forty-five. He had a few gray hairs and some lines that appeared on his forehead whenever he laughed or frowned. He was frowning at the moment. “Something serious has come to my attention, Kim and it may involve you.” Henry stated. “Money has been missing from the petty cash box a lot lately. It’s been going on for months. Sometimes it's five dollars, sometimes twenty. Whoever it is always puts the money back a day or two later, so we’re not really talking about at a thief here, just a compulsive borrower. I decided to mark some of the bills and see who ends up with them. The other night I drew a little star on the corner of some ten dollar bills and put them in the cash box. This afternoon, one of the tens was missing. Can I see your wallet please?” Kim turned and looked through the door at the leather purse on her desk. She had to think quickly. “Well, I do have a bill like that in my wallet." she said. "But I got it from Janet in accounting. She gave it to me in change for a twenty at lunch today.” “I see. So, you did see that star on the upper left-hand corner?” “Sure, I saw it. But I didn’t think much of it. I thought somebody had just drawn a star on it, that’s all. I think you need to talk to Janet about this.” Henry folded his arms and sighed. “No, Kim. The thing is, there was no ten-dollar bill with a star on it. I never marked any of the money at all.” Kim was confused for a moment and then realized how completely trapped she was. She looked down at the floor. “I’m sorry, Mr. Sharpe. I was going to put it back when I-” “I don’t doubt that you were going to return the money, Kim. That’s not the point. The point is, how can I trust you as an employee now? If you needed some cash you could have asked, but instead, you just took it. And when you’re confronted with your actions, you not only lie about it, you try to pin the blame on someone else. This is all just completely unacceptable.” “I know, I know.” “I can’t just let this slide.” Henry said. “Oh, no.” Kim thought. “Here it comes. He has me and now he’s going to want something, and I bet I know what." Kim imagined herself on her knees in from of her boss, his hands running through her thick brown locks as she pleasured him with her mouth. Would she have to beg to suck his cock first? Would she have to swallow? She gulped at the prospect. Her saliva already seemed thick and salty. Then an alternative scenario flashed through Kim’s mind. She was bent over that desk with Mr. Sharpe pounding her from behind. And how often would this be happening? Just once? Every day? Kim's eyes began to glaze over. “Are you listening?” Henry’s voice broke in. “Now, as you know, I have a teenage daughter at home and if I caught Sarah doing what you did, if I caught her stealing money from my wallet, I’d have three ways of punishing her to choose from. I could put her on restriction, I could cut off her allowance for a while, or I could put her over my knee and give her a good spanking. Now, I can’t put you on restriction and I know that you can’t afford to have your pay suspended. So, what does that leave us?” "I guess you’ll have to spank me.” Kim said with a jittery laugh. The silence that followed Kim’s reply filled the room with tension. Henry stared at Kim in a way that told her that this wasn’t a laughing matter. Kim’s face went pale. “That’s exactly what I have in mind. I intend to take you across my knee, bare your bottom and give you the exactly the spanking you deserve. I'm going to tan your backside so thoroughly that any future thoughts about borrowing company funds without permission will make your eyes water and your buns throb. Do you understand?” Kim’s mouth was a desert. Unable to speak, she simply nodded dumbly and tried to clear her throat. Henry continued, “If you’d rather quit than take this punishment, I’ll understand. I’ll give you your pay in cash and you can just get your things and leave. But you know that I won’t be able to give you any kind of decent reference. The two years you’ve put in here will basically be wasted time.” Kim's voice was barely a whisper when she asked, “Does it have to be on my bare-” “Yes, it does. I’m not going to lie, Kim. I want this to be humiliating for you. “I know that, Mr. Sharpe and I know I deserve it, but I don’t feel right about exposing myself to you in that way.” Henry nodded understandingly. “I’ll tell you what, we can wait until Monday morning and I’ll spank you over your dress, but I’ll use a hairbrush instead of my hand and it’s going to be during office hours so everyone can hear it.” Kim’s eyes widened at the thought of her coworkers listening to her humiliating ordeal. She could see them smirking at each other and snickering quietly as the sound of her cries and the brush smacking her bottom echoed throughout the office. Then there would be the unbearable chore of exiting Mr. Sharpe’s office with a tear-stained face and a burning bottom. No one would say anything, but they’d all know that just under that skirt was a freshly spanked pair of cheeks. And they’d all wince a little as she sat down at her desk, knowing how painful the act of sitting down must be for her. It was almost too horrible to imagine. “No.” she said, standing up. “I’ll take it on the bare bottom, right now.” “Fine.” Henry rolled up his right sleeve as he scooted his chair away from the desk. He motioned for Kim to approach him. She walked around her employer's desk and stood at his side. "Take your panties down and bend over.” he ordered. Kim’s knees went weak as he barked out the command and for a moment she froze. But then she willed herself to reach up under her dress, hook her thumbs beneath the elastic band of her panties and lower them until they fell to her ankles. She lifted the hem of her knee-length dress and carefully placed herself across Mr. Sharpe’s lap. Henry placed his left hand on Kim’s lower back and repositioned her slightly as to place her ass more accessible to his right. He made Kim wait with her bare bottom in the air for several agonizing moments, allowing her to contemplate her precarious situation. Kim’s face became flush as suddenly, a terrible thought crossed her mind. “The cleaning lady!” she cried out over her shoulder. “Gone home already.” Henry replied. He then took careful aim and brought his hand down hard across the lower section of Kim’s left cheek. She gasped at the severity of the blow and was equally surprised by the swat that followed, bringing a sudden dose of heat to her right cheek. The third one landed across the lower part of both cheeks was so stinging, tears welled up in her eyes as a result and the next swat was just hard enough to shake those tears loose. By the time forty slaps had come down across her cheeks, Kim was quietly weeping. The spanking was so painful that it was all she could do not to squirm and cry out with each swat. But instead, she gripped the legs of the chair and gritted her teeth, determined not to make a childish spectacle of herself. Soon however, as the rain of spanks came down harder and faster, she found herself kicking and howling for mercy. Henry experienced a few pangs of guilt as again and again he lifted his hand and brought it down with a loud smack onto Kim’s trembling cheeks. After all, the woman across his knee suffering the humiliation of having her bare bottom soundly spanked was an employee he’d grown to know and respect over the last two years. “How can I be doing this?" he thought. But then, just as swiftly, he’d remember the breach of trust Kim had committed by taking that money without permission and suddenly he had no problem delivering another volley of stinging slaps to her deservedly rosy cheeks. He continued giving her bottom loud, stinging smacks until her cheeks were no longer pink and splotchy, but more like two mounds of solid crimson flesh. By then, Kim’s ass felt as if it was made of molten glass and she was crying and kicking up a storm. Henry stopped for a moment, examining his work, then lifted his hand into the air and delivered one last resounding swat. What little dignity Kim had left was knocked out of her with that final slap. She fell limp across Henry’s lap and began to bawl like a heartsick schoolgirl. All the while, Henry gently massaged her warm, crimson cheeks. Eventually, Kim pushed herself from Mr. Sharpe's lap and stood up. The young woman tried to maintain some degree of dignity, but was unable to stop herself from sobbing as she reached back, attempting to rub some of the sting from her aching buttocks. Henry stood up and placed his hands lightly on her shoulders. “I hope you understand why I had to do this.” Kim wrapped her arms around Henry, hugging him tightly as she sobbed into his chest. “I do.” she cried. Henry pushed her back a bit and put a finger under her trembling chin. “I also hope you understand that if you ever do anything like this again, I’ll take off my belt and blister your bottom.” “I know.” she said erupting into sobs again. “Thank you.” Kim felt surprisingly relieved and free as she left Henry's office. Only one thing concerned her, how would she explain to her date why she needed to stand all the way through dinner and a movie? THE END