I am very VERY bored right now... I started my work placement yesterday and I have absolutely nothing to do but to sit on my arse and read old posts... Someone's gonna come here on THURSDAY and teach me something and tell me what I'm supposed to do but until then... total boredom... and listening to the radio... Hooray Cliff Richard and Shania Twain... Why can't I pick the station to listen to? :$ This is torture...
agh, doesn't sound much fun...but possibly better than sitting in Health and Social Care lessons at college :&
you should have stayed in my caravan!!! think happy thoughts and it will all be over soon! peace and love stardust xxx
whatever card game it is, it doesnt help if the card table keeps wriggling in her sleep!! unless 9 card bragg doesnt use a table......... i dont know how to play it!