I've a friend who is corresponding with a transgendered inmate. They are in search of books written on the transgender experience. Could you recommend such books?
Shes not there a life of two genders.. She's Not There offers a more candid portrayal because it is based on lived experience. Thus, it has the potential to raise questions about gender roles and heighten awareness of personal assumptions about gender identity. The book also provokes dialogue about taken-for-granted beliefs regarding how sexuality and gender are intertwined...
check sites like amazon : transgender books.. The author http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Finney_Boylan is from PA, one the reasons I knew the book so quickly ,, I sometime follow trans-news. India elected a Transgender mayor. http://www.voanews.com/content/hopeful-signs-for-rights-as-indias-first-openly-transgender-mayor-takes-office/2591652.html