I had a Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) in my yard which i shaped to look like a Bonsai - it looked pretty cool for a while but I eventually removed it in favor of Lilacs. Hotwater
I've heard the theory that it is cruelty to plants. I personally wouldn't be that concerned about that though...call me a cold hearted bitch.
I doubt it, how can it be cruel? They're plants.. I've had a few, plan to have a little bonsai garden one day in my new place. I was just never good at shaping them. From memory, though most believe it's a Japanese trait, the Chinese started the bonsai growing and all they did was limit it's water and sunlight. It's not like the plant itself is dying. I can't see it as cruel. Plants don't have feelings I'm sorry.
I love plants more than I love anything else but I don't feel like it is cruelty... but what do I know?
Someone stop this bastard! That's gotta hurt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7ZzPPgl530"]Crazy plant screams when you pull on its leaves - YouTube
How do we know that ? Maybe they do, maybe they don't. But I don't think the truth of the matter has really been fully established.
i must be tired, i thought this was a thread about bonkai... how do you know bonsai trees aren't into sadomasochism?
I'm no green thumb.. or a human biology professor.. But.. Wouldn't a plant need like a brain to be able to like.. think and feel emotions? Does a plant tell you "no I don't want to be stepped on?" Maybe they like being trodden on?
Given the longevity of Bonsais and the care given to them, I would say these seniors have hit the mother load.
Reckless fuckers never cultivated their cruelty but let it fly. Cultivate the tree for ten thousand years instead.