Each year during the Christmas season me and my wife are invited to the Christmas party at our nudist club. All the festivities are inside of course. Last year the organization had included a dress code yeah I know, huh dress code for nudists. They thought it would be fun if everyone was bodypainted. Most of us did. Most would have painted some decorations on their naked bodies. Some of them including my wife and I, had painted them selves all over the entire body. Because of the huge success the organization thought it would be fun to do it again. Last year my wife and I both painted ourselves as marvel characters. She as Poisen Ivy and I as The Green Lantern. We were pretty satisfied with our creations and decided that it would be best not to get dressed because it would probably ruined our work. So we got into our car and drove to the club completely naked but body painted. We had to walk around a mile to get to the entrance of the building our nudist club had rented for that evening. Of course there were several non nudists trying to see who would enter the building. My wife and I walked straight by them. It was only when I held the door open for my wife that these people noticed that we both were naked. We were wondering if you would dare to go naked but completely body painted out into public?
i think it’s more suitable for women. it’s a little bit difficult to disguise the penis with paint only. anyway i dont think id be bold enough to do it but if my girlfriend wanted i would see no problem.
Yes I have. Ours was at the Halloween party. After the costume contest almost everyone shed their costumes. And one of the activities was a body painting contest. I was painted as a Joe the plumber. Blue paint for jeans. A belt painted on. And a Red tee shirt. They even did a pair of work boots with the toes worn. The job was very well done. Afterwards most people that were painted headed to the shower to wash off. I kept mine on. And drove home that way. It was later at night. But I doubt if anyone really noticed if they even saw me.