My b.o. can smell pretty nice. When it's fresh, at least. It tastes yummy. I've never had enough friends or money to smoke pot enough to sweat it, though.
I like mine...if its fresh or frozen I know what you mean about the skunky pot smell it can get too, although i don't think its related to smoking pot.
uuum no i dont like my body odor....that's kinda wierd. if i do smell like body odor i usually take a shower and put D.O
no, body odor means simply body odor - bad or good apparantly if you eat a lot of fruit as the main part of your diet your bo will be really sweet and fruity in fragrance - makes sense, well you are what you eat! The guy im seeing at the moment tells me i smell good and wonders if its my natural odor, i told him it's probably because i am a vegetarian a lecturer at my university is an adamant vegetarian and told me once he hates the smell of meat eaters. however, at the moment my underarms do not smell attractive...i am going to wax my armpits soon, and cos it's getting longish it smells pretty yuck...hmmm nice thought to leave you all with...though the guy who said he likes his doona over his head after eating beans is majorly disgusting!!! lol!!!
no I am not a fan of my own body odor -not that there's anything wrong with those who like their own...yeah
haha dont ya love it when people cover bo up with cologne and then it makes like a funky ass mix into something even worse..
so anyway, I like my body odor. I tend to smell like a mixture of incense, tea, sweat, and deodorant. Depeding on which scent overpowers the rest, I can be quite alluring, or rather repulsive. Then again, sometimes they all cancel each other out, and I smell simply like living human flesh, which is a nice smell in and of itself.
My most favorite odor is when my cloths are covered with cigar smoke. That is really my most favorite.