Ever notice how the electoral college map looks an awful lot like the civil war map? So how 'bout the blue states just secede from the union and we'll henceforth refer to the red nation as Dumfukistan.
'Dumbfuckistan' ha ha. dirka dirka. America! Fuck Yeah! sorry, drifted but that's what it made me think of. Too bad we couldn't just all get together and draw a big fat line down the middle of the continental U.S. (we get the western half including Alaska and Hawaii, which HI is trying to secede anyway. )
yeah, but with a big fat line down the middle we could could come up with our own damn colors. Who cares? They could have both blue and red, we got plenty more. Besides, what about the blank white of " I didn't vote at all", which makes it pink?
Black is for all those who will be spending eternity in hell. They gave that part to Pat Robertson to color in and had to stop him and take the marker away.
Hey, the democrats secceded before, what's to stop us now. bastard republicans trying to take ma slaves away....
You know what, fuck you if you think you are better than peoplle living in "Red States" because you live in a "Blue State." I live in Texas. I voted for Kerry, (I would have liked to have voted for Dean, as would a lot of people who ended up voting for Bush, but the media, based almost entirely in "Blue States" sort of shot down his campaign right when he was about to win the nomination) and as far as places to live are concerned, the states at the top of my list are all "Red States." I would rather live in New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Kansas, Arizona, Louisana, the Dakotas or Montana than on the West Coast, New England, or the Great Lakes area, I guess I just like the wild west. But my point is this, there are millions of people living in "Red States" who voted against Bush and they are perfectly happy where they are. In fact, I'm sure that there are millions of Republicans living in "Blue States" who are perfectly happy where they are. My point is this, America is one nation, for better or for worse, and if you don't like how this election went that is perfectly understandable, but it is no reason to start hating people just because of who got the electoral votes for the state they live in. Yeah, Bush is a terrible president, but in four years he is out no matter what. Until then, put the hate where it belongs, in the trash.
If that's the case, then it wouldn't change if the civilized parts of the country seceded. There would still be multiple parties in both nations, but each nation would have a government that better matched its own ideals. The Blue States of America would have stem-cell research, gay marriage, and a peaceful foreign policy. The Red States of America would have creationism in schools, mass executions, and a militant foreign policy. Both countries would have more localized governments than they do now, so they'd get what they want. What's wrong with that?
Civilized? FUCK YOU, YOU ARROGANT PRICK! Next you're going to tell me that people in blue states are born with bigger brains and people in red states have a genetic disorder that cause them to be born in the "wrong" part of the country. Obviously you are a pompous asshole, so I have nothing more to say to you.