I understand some people don't like spiders. But what's wrong with using one of these?
The redneck solution is much faster and WILL get rid of ALL spiders. 100% guaranteed or your money back. You want fries with that, sir?
A duster lol, I suck up moths and spiders in my vacuum and then spray down there too. Lol. Folks tell me oh you'll blow your vacuum up one day. Exploded moths and spiders, sounds good to me. :sifone:
While doing some plumbing work under a kitchen unit. I was holding the torch well away from the cupboard between heating the solder joints. I suddenly heard a load scream and as I turned around saw the guy who was helping me dancing around the room slapping his leg. When I held the torch away from the cupboard, the flame had been playing directly onto the leg of his pants while he was fitting one of the taps Fortunately he was wearing jeans, so no serious damage to his leg, but if he had been wearing synthetic pants it would have been a different story..
You know how you have those falling dreams and you wake up in shock? One time I had a dream someone lit a oxy accetiline torch in my face. It was horrible. I'd rather fall.
roaches act like they want to be friendly, but dam, those little bastards bite. a blow torch? that's for peeling paint off of steel. i guess you can use that on wood, if you don't leave it pointed at one place for too long, like if you get distracted by something. toxic chemistry works better, just have to keep it off your skin and out of your lunges. (for peeling paint, AND committing insect genocide)
Did the spiders survive? Im imagining a bunch of firefighters finishing up, a pile of ashes that was once a trailer home, a whole lot of water. Then part of the pile moves, and a little family of spiders marches off in the moonlight