I just thought this would be fun.. everyone can relate, whether it's contrails in the Old West or battling extras just kind've pretending to sword fight or unresearched costumes/uniforms in a historical setting (ie: Custer is usually shown wearing a cavalry uniform at Battle of Little Bighorn/Greasy Grass.. in fact, he wore bleached buckskins) anyway I'll start off with two that jumped up and bit me so fast as I watched that I couldn't believe - with all the money and resources available - they could've missed these.. APOCALYPTO (M Gibbons) the very night of a total solar eclipse, the escaping Matan is running through the jungle and a FULL MOON is shown.. sorry, TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSES occur during a NEW MOON.. a full moon is in opposition to Sun related to Earth.. it would take two more weeks before a full moon was possible.. GOODFELLA'S (M Scorsese) in the early-mid 1960s scenes of the great JFK heist, a 747 is departing JFK.. the 747 wasn't in commercial service until 1971.. am I too picky? how about the KING KONG remake.. massive waterfalls cascading from the TOP of Kong's mountain retreat? just where is this torrential flow coming from? the same could be said if original AVATAR and those floating mountains.. but at least we can pretend there's enough fog up there to cause such massive runoff..