Blood clot?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Super_Grrl, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. Super_Grrl

    Super_Grrl Crazy love

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    If I had a blood clot in my leg, how would I know? It appears I have some of the symptoms, but I don't want to go all the way over to the doctor to be told it's just sciadica...
  2. daisymae

    daisymae Senior Member

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    But, not to scare you, if you have one and don't get it treated, you could lose your leg. Or worse.
  3. whispers

    whispers sweet and sour

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    why do you think you have one?
  4. TheGanjaKing

    TheGanjaKing Newbie

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    If its a blood clot, eventually your leg will probably turn black and fall off. If not, you're ok.

    Another successful diagnosis by:
    Dr. Ganja
  5. Super_Grrl

    Super_Grrl Crazy love

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    Well I've got a really bad, warmish pain in my thigh that's making it hard to walk... and I've been on the pill for ages. But I have symptoms of a fluish thing too, so I dunno. I'm very confused.
  6. whispers

    whispers sweet and sour

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    it can be serious, so i would say go to the doctor babe ...just to be safe

  7. BlackGuardXIII

    BlackGuardXIII fera festiva

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    If a piece breaks off and gets stuck in your brain, it could cause a stroke, and if it gets caught in your heart, it could cause a fatal heart attack. If you won't go to the clinic, at least take aspirin daily to thin your blood, and try to stay away from foods that thicken your blood, like saturated fats - butter, red meat, etc.

    I have seen a few men drop dead in their 40's soon as they got out of bed from massive heart attacks.
    If you are unsure what symptoms to look for, go to a medical info. website and research the subject. They know far more about it than I do, and may help you get better.

    On a similar, yet much more humorous note, a highschool buddy of mine got a huge blood clot go into his mouth when he was 'down there' pleasing his girlfriend shortly after her monthly cycle. Kinda gross, huh?
  8. Super_Grrl

    Super_Grrl Crazy love

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    Woah...warm to the touch? Yes. Leg cramps at night? Yes. Difficult to walk? Yes. Swelling? Seemingly. Alright I'm going to go to the clinic - walk-in style, so I may be a while. Thanks though Whispers, that was good info. Hopefully it's nothing at all, but you never know. Thanks hon :)

    TARABELLE on the road less traveled

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    From experience, I can tell you a blood clot in your upper leg would make your lower leg painful, numb and cold. This doesn't really sound like your symptoms - sounds like a pulled muscle. If the blood is completely cut off, your calf would hurt unbearably, you foot and toes would be cold and numb and you would be in so much pain you would already be seeking help. The pill can cause this, do you smoke cigs? If so, the risk goes way up. And it is very serious, if you think this is what it is, go seek help now. [​IMG]
  10. Super_Grrl

    Super_Grrl Crazy love

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    See that's why I'm scared...I don't wanna die or something. I mean, as far as I know I don't have any real blood issues (other than not having enough iron IN my blood) but I do have a heart condition, and I've been warned it can make "filtering" (is that the right term?) difficult. Touch wood I've had no problems before...but you never know.

    As for your friend...that's nasty lol yet very very funny.

    TARABELLE on the road less traveled

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    So gross, but on a related note..... When I was throwing clots down my leg, my period was very clotty, too. May be a symptom? [​IMG]
  12. Super_Grrl

    Super_Grrl Crazy love

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    Hey Tarabelle,

    I don't smoke cigs, no...but I've been on the pill since I was 15 and am now that's kinda a long time. Yeah my period tends to be kinda clotty, I dunno. This is why I'm so confused. I was told about a year ago that IF I have endometriosis, I could have it on the sciatic (sp?) nerve, that can cause pain in my thigh. Fair enough, right? BUT what I experienced last night (and now today) is so much worse than usual, and kind of different, too. Thanks for the info, sorry you had to deal with something so scary!! Are you ok now?
  13. BlackGuardXIII

    BlackGuardXIII fera festiva

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    Don't procrastinate, cuz I sure don't want anything to happen to you either. Better safe than sorry, if it isn't one, you will be relieved, and if it is, you may have avoided a serious danger.
    When Bryan told us of his clot encounter, we all were on the ground with tears streaming down our cheeks, convulsing in laughter for a long was very funny for sure.

    TARABELLE on the road less traveled

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    Yes, but scarred (can't see them, though, I covered them with tattoos) and I spent 6 WEEKS in a hospital. I feel like it's my duty to warn people about this. I was misdiagnosed for 2 years, because this is not a young person disease (as in under 70 years old). But there is a risk if you take the pill, and I don't or didn't smoke cigs either. Cold feet / toes is a very major symptom - if you have this don't ignore it. And the test you want them to perform is called a doplar - just like the weather channel or an ultrasound. Please, let me know what is happening with you.
  15. Super_Grrl

    Super_Grrl Crazy love

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    Well I'm back, and apparently do NOT have a blood clot. *whew* the dr said I'm having pain in my leg probably as a reaction to the pains I've been having elsewhere in my body...or he also said it could instead be the endo/sciatic thing I already mentioned. I still feel blah though. He said my tummy hurts because a) I have an intestinal virus, or b)I'm having gall bladder issues, or c) I have IBS. Yuck factor, rather large. Anyway he said that I don't need to worry about the pain in my leg, unless of course it gets worse. I'm glad I went though. But now I have to try to book an ultrasound thing for my abdomen, and I'm not allowed ANY dairy until I have said ultrasound. Booking that could take up to a couple of weeks, which sucks.

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