I don't care about blinking but a staring contest can last a while. And you should be weary about doing this pending on breed of dog. I have a German Shep so it's naturally looking for a chance to beat me to obtain some sort of dominance. Losing a staring contest can quickly make them think they're in more control than they really are or should be. I stare down my pup occassionally just to reign supreme and let him know that I might be inside but I'm the leader and have it over him at all times. It's a must for my boy because he is in a challenging stage of his puppy hood. 9mths now.
funny....wary was a word i used awhile back, which immediately changed into weary.......must be the word of the day....
one time while tripping, my cat winked at me. and my friend said that he was "trying to teach his dog how to wink" it was one of the most hilarious things i had ever heard.
After i read this post i wana challenge someone for blink contest but i don't have a dog, so i challenge my cat ) after 1 min or more looking at him he surrender ) I win it Wooohooooo )