Thanks to the advances in 3D printing, an ultrasound camera now has uses for blind parents. This is so cool! Rather than needing to see an image on a screen. Parents can now touch and feel their baby before birth with a 3D print. In my line of work I use a 3D printer to test my prototypes. But this clever innovation takes 3D printing to a whole new level!
I bet this will lead to lots of parents, blind or not, to get 3d prints of their unborn babies just as keepsakes.
AFAIC ultrasound damages the baby. Why risk the baby's health just for a picture or to know their gender? Isn't that a form of child abuse? Why not give your baby Down's Syndrome or cancer just because of....? Not saying that ultrasound causes either of those, but it's so greedy and selfish that people are willing to take such a risk on the behalf of their own child for "something" like a pic or knw if they're a boy or a girl?
Cool, but why. Even a non blind person only sees an ultrasound image anyway and its not much to look at. I guess it is the same as the parents caring around a $2000 camera and photographing every movement their child/children make. It is fine but ultimately unnecessary. It only creates a fake picture when the child gets sick of "Billy, over here, smile" " wait, one more, smile for mommy"
I really liked being surprised at birth. In 1982, I had one ultrasound during my first pregnancy to rule out twins. I did not want to know gender. I had no ultrasound during my second pregnancy in 1986. It was old school and it was fun. I can't compare it to what goes on now. I don't know how that feels. I did know the gender of my four grandchildren prior to birth. It was helpful with shopping and decorating; especially with the triplets. I still think being surprised by the baby's gender was magical.